All Night Long (Vegas After Dark #1) Read Online Tory Baker

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: Vegas After Dark Series by Tory Baker

Total pages in book: 45
Estimated words: 40969 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 205(@200wpm)___ 164(@250wpm)___ 137(@300wpm)

“Well, it’s a good thing I have an evening free. What do you say we go grab some dinner, let this little booger get some energy out? And you guys can stay with me tonight if you’d like.” Wylde, I know without a doubt, wouldn’t mind the two of them staying in the spare bedroom in my apartment. Maybe he might be a little put out because, well, we’d have to curb our mattress aerobics. What can I say? The things that man does to me, there’s no keeping me quiet. Though there always is another option in keeping me quiet with his cock in my mouth, or in the shower. Hmm, I’ll have to definitely think about that. Me on his face, stomach to stomach as I suck his cock exactly the way he likes.

“Yes on dinner and wearing Von out, no on spending the night. You’re in the honeymoon phase, Celeste. I remember what that was like. Keeping hands off one another is hard, needing the time to build up your relationship. Plus, I love Wylde for you, but seeing it firsthand right now, that’s kind of hard.” Okay, maybe I’ll kick Mace in his balls twice with the way Tyra states that last sentence.

“He wouldn’t mind, and neither would I. We have time. What Wylde and I both don’t want is for you to need me and not allow me to be there. We’re best friends through and through, through thick and freaking thin. You’re the sister I never had, and don’t you forget it either.” Von starts wiggling to get down. I miss the days when he loved to snuggle and be held. Now that he’s full-on walking and running, there’s no stopping him.

“Hi, can I please have a snack ?” Von asks again. I go to the small drink and food area in the corner that we have set up for clients. Von doesn’t know that there’s a basket specifically for him with all of his favorite toddler-approved food as well as a few toys. I knew there’d be evenings like that or even mornings when he’d be here. Not when we’re slammed but the times when we don’t have clients. There’s no reason he can’t feel welcomed here.

“I love you. You’re the best. How about I promise if I get down in the dumps, I’ll call you right away. Deal?” Tyra is ever the compromiser.

“I love you, and you better, or I’m going to turn up at your house in my pajamas and robe.” Tyra cracks a smile because I’ve done it before. It was one of those first days she was out on her own, heard a weird noise, was startled, and called me. I showed up in exactly what I just described, along with slippers and a baseball bat. “Good idea. Call me anytime, day or night. I’ll always be there for you and Von. Now, I’m going to let him have a snack, finish folding the laundry, and then we can go.” I tack on texting Wylde to let him know my plans, so he doesn’t worry if I’m not here and I don’t answer my phone simply because I’m chasing after a four-year-old. I already know we’ll be suckered into the park; the kid loves swings and, well, neither of us can say no when it comes to Von.



Three Weeks Later

“Phone.” Celeste’s head is nestled against my shoulder, hand on my heart, jostling me. “Wylder, grab your phone. It won’t stop ringing.” We’re at my place tonight, where we’ve been more often than not. Unless I get sucked into a late night. Thankfully, that’s happening less and less with Pierre becoming my right-hand man, a job he was thrilled with seeing as how Monica runs a tight ship and his job wasn’t as challenging as he’d like. Obviously, it’s not the case working as my assistant; it’s also why I was able to take the night off. A Friday night. That hasn’t happened since well before I bought the casino and hotel. It was a night where Celeste and I went out, after a week from hell in her eyes. Everything that could go wrong did, including Layla walking out and leaving clients in a lurch, which had everyone else picking up the slack. As much as I wanted to step in, to make it well known just what Layla was capable of, Celeste stood her ground and told me not to blackball her in the Vegas circle. Bullshit, if you ask me, but it was her business, and she doesn’t get into mine, so it’s only fair I don’t overstep my boundaries.

“What?” The alcohol we consumed along with the amount of times Celeste had me coming tonight has me in a sleep-induced fog.

“Phone, answer the phone,” she murmurs, snuggling deeper into me, mouth on my neck, kissing me, probably not even realizing what she’s doing.

