Anguished Read online T.L. Smith (Crimson Elite #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Crimson Elite Series by T.L. Smith

Total pages in book: 63
Estimated words: 60511 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 303(@200wpm)___ 242(@250wpm)___ 202(@300wpm)

“Tracey, why the fuck are you here.”

I spin on my toes to that voice. A man is standing in place and he’s looking at Tracey as if he wants to throw her out.

“I’m allowed.”

He leans in close and hisses at her, “No you aren’t. Darby’s going to be pissed if he finds out.” It’s then he notices me. “And you brought a friend, too. Are you stupid?” She turns away from him back to the stage, so I hold out my hand to him.

“I’m Storm, nice to meet you. You must be Tracey’s brother?”

He glances to it then back at me before he looks to Tracey. “Your girlfriends aren’t allowed in here,” he says to her.

When she answers him, she doesn’t look at him. “She’s my boss, dick.”

He visibly changes right in front of my eyes. Gone is the arrogance and in its place is a smile which could melt many panties off the women in here. But luckily for me, my panties are torn off by only one man right now. And I’m happy to stay in that place for a little longer until we decide to move on. Might as well play with my ten until I’m over him. Even if this guy looks like a solid nine, the only problem with that is he knows it.

“Well, hello there, and who might you be?”

Tracey looks at me and rolls her eyes. I can’t help but laugh at her.

“She has someone. Someone who makes her smile too bright for your charming words to work,” she mutters hitting him across the head. “Storm this Falcon, my idiotic brother.”

I smile at him, turning back to the stage to get lost gazing at the girl, who’s still above me twirling so easily it’s as if it’s how she walks.

“See, not interested. Now, fuck off,” Tracey mutters next to me.

“Storm, isn’t it? How about I show you around?”

I firmly shake my head staying next to Tracey. “I’m good thanks.”

A hand touches my shoulder. “Are you sure, I have much to show.”

“What the fuck are you doing down here, loser. You’re meant to be up with Creed before he leaves.”

That voice—I freeze on the spot.

“I’m trying to get this beautiful lady to talk to me.”

I don’t turn around, because I physically can’t. I’m frozen to the spot. He’s right there, within touching distance. And this isn’t how it works. The only time we’re meant to see each other is for sex. This isn’t what we discussed.


My back straightens, even more, I don’t know how but it does.

“Do you plan to turn around and show me that pretty face?” I do as he says, and when I do my heart skips a beat because the smile on his face is panty melting. “I knew it was you.” He leans down kisses my lips fast and it shocks me because that’s something you do with the person you’re with. We aren’t like that.

“Blondie,” I say when he stands and a look passes over his face like he realized what he’s just done. Falcon, Tracey’s brother, stands next to Echo smirking while looking back and forth.

“You’re here, at my work.”

I have trouble believing what he’s just said.

“You work here?” I ask shocked. I don’t know what he does, but feel it’s unfair that he knows so much about me and I don’t know fuck all about him.

“This is my place, Red, I own it.” I look at him in astonishment.

Falcon bumps him then looks at me. “We own it.”

I look at Falcon then back to Echo. “Nice.”

He nods his head. “This place isn’t open to the public, Red. I hope Tracey explained to you that the need to not speak of this place is very high.”

Tracey’s hand touches mine. “She knows, I’ve told her already. Plus, Storm’s a boss herself, so she knows when to keep quiet.” Tracey pulls me toward the stage, but Echo comes up next to me, his hand brushes mine. Tracey looks at him and it’s then she realizes who he is. “Oh my God, he’s it… the office guy?”

“She speaks of me?” he asks happily next to me.

“No,” I answer.

“No. The office was a buzz about you. She didn’t even bring it up.”

“Red, that hurts. Hurts real bad.” His finger touches the palm of my hand. “Let me show you something.” I look to Tracey who nods and looks back to the stage. When he pulls me away fully, placing his hand in mine, wrapping it around and pulling me, I look around. That’s when I notice what’s around me and not just the stage. Woman are having sex, with men. I pause.

“What the fuck….”

His breath comes near my ear. “Welcome to Crimson Elite, Red. I think you’ll be a perfect fit.” He then pushes me into a room, his hands covering my body as I hit a bed then his lips are on mine so fast that he doesn’t give me time to think. I get lost in him, and just as he hikes up my skirt and inserts a finger, I realize where I am.

