Bad Boy Read Online Free Books Novels Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 46840 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 234(@200wpm)___ 187(@250wpm)___ 156(@300wpm)

“Lady why don’t you take that idiot and get the hell out of here? People are trying to enjoy a pleasant evening in a nice place nobody has time for your stupid brat.” A very large man at

the table next to theirs yelled loud enough for everyone to hear. The woman cringed with every word as though they were slaps. People at the surrounding tables started murmuring amongst

each other but no one came to her rescue. I felt bad for her as she looked around as if afraid or ashamed.

“Son…” I looked up at Joan’s call to Jake. I’d been so distracted by the young mother’s turmoil that I hadn’t even realized he’d stood from the table. “I’m good mom.” My heart beat like

a runaway train when he approached the beer gutted man who’d been accosting the mother. He looked like he could break poor Jake in half. Mindy was halfway out of her seat before her mom

pulled her back down. “Your brother can take care of himself.”

“Apologize to her.” Jake’s furious voice carried across the room, he was pissed.

“Who’re you? Is that your brat? You people should know better than to…” He never got to finish whatever it was he was about to say because Jake picked him up by his throat. “Apologize

and then you can leave.”

“I have every right to be here this is a public place.”

“So do they, they have just as much rights as you or anyone else in here, except your rights have just been revoked…by me. Since you wanna act like a subhuman asshole you can go eat

elsewhere now apologize before I make you.”

“Sorry.” He spat the words out before Jake flung him away like he weighed nothing. “Now get the fuck gone.” The man scurried out of the restaurant seconds before the place erupted in


Jake stopped by the table with the little boy and I don’t know what he said but the kid lifted his arms up and Jake picked him up from his special chair. He must’ve invited them to our

table because the woman looked over at us, and then back at him as if to ask if he was sure. Joan nodded her head at her and she got up and followed Jake and her son to our table.

“I’m so sorry and thank you for that. Andrew gets a little loud when he doesn’t get his way he’s autistic. He’s not usually like that it’s just he wanted Mac and cheese and they don’t

serve anything off the kid’s menu after a certain time. I was late getting here and well…thanks. I’ll take him away if he gets to be too much he sometimes takes a while to calm down.”

“He seems pretty calm to me, besides my sister acts that way all the time and they claim she’s normal.” Mindy threw her napkin at him before saying hi to little Andrew who seemed

fascinated by everything that was going on around him.


I should’ve broken that fuck’s neck, this being a cop shit comes with its own drawbacks but I would’ve taken the hit for assaulting the dumbass, they ought to be a law. What the fuck is

wrong with people anyway? If that had been my kid I would’ve kicked his ass into Outer Mongolia then followed him there and pulled his lungs out his fucking ass. Asshole.

The girls were all trying to involve Andrew in conversation. I was just trying to lighten the mood because his mom seemed a little frazzled. The last thing she needed was for some

asshole to be hassling her like that. The waitress came over with some crayons and paper for him to play with and that’s the only time he let go of my neck. I sat him on the seat between

me and Jacqueline so he could color and when the young lady came back to take our orders I ordered his Mac and cheese.

“Sir we don’t serve that after four pm I already told his mom…”

“Do you or do you not have Mac and cheese back there?”

“Well no it’s made fresh every morning.

“You’ve got macaroni salad on the dinner menu which means you’ve got noodles, you have cheeseburgers on there too there’s your cheese. Tell the chef to heat up some pasta and melt some

cheese it can’t be that hard.”

“But sir…

“If you tell me about that four o’clock thing again I’m gonna lose my shit. That’s a human being, that’s a manmade device that keeps track of time. This kid has to go to bed hungry

because that says so?”

She thought it over and came to the right conclusion, which was good for her and all concerned because I was seriously contemplating going back there and doing the shit myself.

“I’ll get him his Mac and cheese even if I have to do it myself. It might take a minute…”

