Beautiful Mistake Read Online Vi Keeland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 87031 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 435(@200wpm)___ 348(@250wpm)___ 290(@300wpm)

Benny is a damn mechanic.

I walked over and took a look at the back of the car. Sure enough, there was the Jesus fish symbol. Looking over at the mini mart, I saw a two-bay garage attached to it. One of the doors was closed, but the other was open about two feet. The lights were also definitely on.

I lingered inside the mini mart, pretending to read the back of a bag of chips while the two customers finished paying. When it was just me and the woman working the register, I took a can of soda and a Snickers bar to the register.

“Is the auto shop still open? My car has some rattling I’d like to get checked out.”

She looked up at the clock. “Closed at noon today. But I think Benny’s still inside.”

My body tensed. “Thanks. Is there an office or something?”

The cashier waved toward a door at the back. “Go right through that door. He’s probably in one of the bays.”

My breathing became deeper with each step as I headed into the dim garage. There was a screwdriver sitting on the top of a red tool chest. I picked it up and shoved it into the back pocket of my jeans.

“Hello?” The garage held four cars, but there didn’t appear to be anyone inside.

A man poked his head out from underneath the hood of one of the cars the next bay over and nearly scared the shit out of me.

“What can I do you for?”

I stared at him. I had no plan.

He pulled a towel from his pocket and started to wipe his hands as he took a step toward me. “We’re closed. I need to be getting home to my girls. There’s a station about a mile north of here, if you got car problems.”

His girls.

“You Benny?”

“I am. Who’s asking?”

I needed a stick to poke the bear. A light bulb lit in my head. “I’m a friend of your daughter’s.”

Suddenly I had his attention. His entire demeanor changed. He stopped wiping his hands and looked me square in the eyes. “My daughter’s not allowed to have any boy friends.”

“Why is that?”

His face contorted with anger. “Because she’s a little slut.”

We had been standing on either side of a car, but he started to walk around it toward me.

“You sniffing around my daughter? Let me give you a little advice. You want a nice girl. That one…she’s no good. Fifteen years old and nothing but trouble already.”

“Keep away from them both.”

Benny looked momentarily taken aback. He paused his advance toward me. A slow, evil smile spread across his face. It gave me chills. I was staring into the face of a monster.

“You think you know something? Why don’t you go on and spit it out.”

“You like little girls. You sneak into the older girl’s room at night and threaten her to keep quiet or you’ll do the same thing to her little sister. Keep away from them both, or I’ll go to the police.”

He narrowed his eyes, searching, as he seemed to piece together a puzzle. Seeing the full picture for the first time, a sardonic smile grew on his lips. His tone matched the evil of his face.

“You got something to do with them packing a bag, planning to run away, don’t you?”

I said nothing.

He took a step closer. “They won’t be running anywhere after last night. Taught them a lesson, just like I’m going to teach you.” Benny reached into his overalls pocket and pulled out a small remote. Staring at me, he aimed it at the partially open garage door, and it started to come down. I followed his eyes as they locked on a tray full of tools within his reach. Everything after that seemed to happen in slow motion.

He reached for a wrench.

I pulled the screwdriver from my back pocket.

I was scared shitless, until he spoke again.

“Get your own damn pussy.”


“What are you looking at?”

Murphy rested his head on my lap, his big brown eyes staring up at me. I scratched his favorite spot behind his ears, and he let out a big sigh.

“Jesus. Your breath stinks, buddy.” At least I thought it was Murphy’s. It was possible it was actually my own.

I shut my laptop and took off my glasses to rub my eyes. How the fuck was I going to tell her? I’d been cooped up in my apartment for two days, hadn’t showered, barely ate, and felt completely defeated. Rachel must’ve taken the hint that I was blowing her off since she hadn’t texted me since yesterday.

I realized just how crazy about her I was when I debated never telling her for the hundredth time. It wouldn’t be such a difficult decision if there weren’t so much to lose. And I’d definitely lose her. How could she ever trust me after she found out we’d known each other fifteen years ago? That I’d lied to her for months? That I’d taken something she held so sacred—a priest she trusted—and manipulated her through a screen each and every week.

