Blaze Read online Suzanne Wright (The Dark in You #2)

Categories Genre: Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Dark in You Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 110802 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 554(@200wpm)___ 443(@250wpm)___ 369(@300wpm)

He spotted Harper. Froze. Then he was shouldering his way through the pedestrians, heading right for her; eyes narrowed, nostrils flaring. Shit. Tanner obviously saw him too, because his shoulders stiffened and a low growl built in his throat. Harper grabbed his arm. “Let me deal with this, Tanner.”

The hellhound slowed to match her pace and frowned at her. “You don’t need to deal with him. That’s what I’m here for. I’m your bodyguard.”

“And I’m his Prime.” She wanted to deal with this herself. Harper didn’t hide behind anyone. What’s more, she couldn’t be seen to hide behind anyone. She was now a Prime, and there were plenty of demons around who would witness the little encounter.

As Roan came to a stop, she did the same. Tanner stayed at her side, vibrating with menace. Roan didn’t even spare the hellhound a glance, too focused on her. His face twisted into a hostile scowl that both annoyed and saddened her. This was her half-brother, after all. Things could have been different if he didn’t seem so determined to hate her.

Her demon wasn’t sad about it. No. In its opinion, they’d dealt with enough hate over the years from the maternal side of their family. And, unlike Harper, the demon had happily accepted the position of co-Prime and picked up the torch. It demanded respect.

“You don’t even care, do you?” Roan said through his teeth.

“About what exactly?” asked Harper, tone even.

“You don’t care that he took her. You don’t care that she could be dead.” He was making sure his voice carried, obviously wanting people’s attention. He easily got it. People stopped. Stared. A hush fell around them.

She spoke. “It wouldn’t matter what answer I gave you to that question – you’d still snort at it.”

“It was a rhetorical question,” he spat. “You know what a rogue is capable of, but you haven’t tried to find her. No. You’re not interested, even though it’s your fault she’s gone.”

“You think I’m to blame for Crow’s actions?”

“He wouldn’t have taken my mother if she wasn’t related to you.”

“Or maybe he would have, since she intervened when he was in the process of draining Delia. Did you ever think of that? Did you ever consider that he might have taken anyone who stepped in that day?”

Roan snorted. “Why would he take just anyone?”

“Why do demons bordering on rogue ever do any of the things they do?”

Hands fisted so tight his knuckles were white, he leaned forward a little as he snarled. “I’m sure the one thing she’s wishing right now is that she never had you.”

Harper almost laughed. “Roan, I’m sure she’s been wishing that for many, many years.” And Harper had accepted it, so if he thought that little comment would hurt her, he was wrong.

“And who could blame her after what your father did to her?”

Okay, that annoyed Harper. Lucian had shit on Carla, true, but the woman was responsible for her own actions. That was how life worked. “You need to move along now. You’ve had your moment in the spotlight. I’m sure everyone’s impressed with the disrespect you show to your Prime.”

“Prime?” he scoffed. “You’re not and never will be Prime material. You’re a Wallis, a sad excuse for a sphinx. Jesus, you don’t even have wings.”

Enough was enough. She lunged forward and fisted a hand in his T-shirt, making his eyes almost bug out of his head. “Now you listen to me, you snotty little fucker. We both know this isn’t about Carla. You have a problem with me being your Prime and you’re using your mother’s disappearance as an excuse to vent, which pretty much makes you a prick.”

Harper expected him to struggle. He didn’t; he just looked at her warily through eyes flickering nervously. That anxiety pleased her demon. “Do you think dishing out bullshit to your Prime makes you seem big and bad to others? I got news for you, Roan. It just makes you look like a disrespectful asshole. Not strong. Not scary. Hell, compared to the people I’ve dealt with in the past you’re a sweet little puppy that keeps stupidly rolling in its own shit. I don’t have the time or patience for the stream of stupidity that flows through your head.” She shoved him away from her, disappointing her demon, who wanted to snap his neck. “Go.”

“But don’t go far,” Tanner growled. “Knox is going to want to see you.”

Roan swallowed hard. To his credit, he tried to look dignified as he marched past them.

“You should have let me beat the shit out of him,” rumbled Tanner as they carried on walking en route to Knox’s office.

Harper shook her head. “I’m co-Prime, right? That means I’ve got to act like one.”

Tanner blew out a breath. “Knox will be pissed. Roan was warned to leave you alone. He ignored that warning.”

