Bratva Bully Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 33695 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 168(@200wpm)___ 135(@250wpm)___ 112(@300wpm)

He nodded. “Parents.”

She laughed. “It’s insane, isn’t it?”

“No, it’s not insane.”

Galina looked at him and frowned. There was something in his eyes she couldn’t quite read, and she couldn’t help but wonder what was going on inside his head. “Are you okay?” she asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine. So, I guess we get to take this test, right?”

“Are you ready for it? I mean, I would understand if you’re not ready. It is a lot to take in.”

He cupped her face, stroking her cheeks. “I’m ready.”

She pressed her lips together and then took his hand, leading him back toward their bedroom, then through to their en suite. “It’s here.”

Galina passed the box to Mikhail and waited, anticipating what he was going to say as he read through the box.

He opened it up and took out one of the tests. “Are you ready to pee?”

“Er, yeah, I am, but don’t you want to leave?”



“You’re not getting rid of me, Galina.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “I’ll be changing shitty diapers soon enough. I can handle my woman peeing on a stick.”

She felt her cheeks heat but then took the test from him. Her hands shook just a little as she sat down on the toilet.

“You’re so red right now. You should see yourself. I bet I could fry an egg on your face.”

“Oh, shut up, you’re not helping me at all.” She tried to ignore him being there in the room.

“Do you not remember the whole ‘in sickness and in health’?” Mikhail asked. “There will come a time when I’ll have to clean up your sickness … and do you remember the squirts?”

“Ew, why are you being so gross at a time like this?”

“I’m going to expect you to do the same for me. Clean up my vomit and my squirts.”

She shook her head. “I cannot even believe you’re saying these things to me right now. You’re insane.”

He winked at her. “But you’ve already peed.”

She finished on the toilet and placed the test on the counter. Mikhail had already slid a piece of tissue for her to place it on. She washed her hands and he grabbed her wrist, pulling her in close.

“Are you okay, baby?” he asked.

“You’d really clean up my vomit and squirts?”

“Absolutely, I’d call the clean-up crew.”

She gasped. “Hell, no, that is not what I’m saying at all.”

This time, he laughed. “Yes, I’m telling you how it is. In sickness and in health, I’d be there, by your side, forever and always.”

She released a breath, and it was odd, because she did believe him. Lifting her head to his, she looked into his blue eyes. She had never thought much of them before. Never considered they were lovely eyes, powerful ones that stared back at her. She was coming to see that there was a lot about Mikhail she hadn’t considered.

“Don’t you think two minutes is a long time to wait?” she asked.

“Yeah, this wait is real torture.”

“Do you think we’re going to make good parents?” Galina asked.

“I think we’re going to do what all parents try to do.”

“And what is that?”

“Try our best. It’s all we can do.”

“Look at you, Mikhail. You’re starting to sound all philosophical.”

He kissed her. “Then it must mean I’m full of wisdom, and you’ve got no choice but to listen to me.”

“I really don’t and never will understand your logic.”

And she got another kiss.

“It’s time for us to see,” he said.

She took a deep breath and Mikhail tightened his grip on her hand, locking their fingers together. Hand in hand, they turned toward the test, and read.

Two red lines.

They were going to be parents.

He pulled Galina into her arms, and she held on tightly to him, unable to believe her happiness at knowing they were going to be parents. She had never considered this before. It was completely insane.

No, becoming parents wasn’t the insane part to Galina. The insane part was that she was falling in love with her husband.


Mikhail entered the bar. He’d just gotten the call that Peter was there. He didn’t call Galina as he knew she’d be upset. This was the first time Peter had fallen off the wagon.

Stepping into the bar, he came to a stop when he saw Peter, looking calm but appearing to have a mug in front of him. There was no impending emergency, no panicked barman.

“Surprise,” Peter said.

He walked up to the bar.

“You can get my man anything he would like.”

“Did you call me?” Mikhail asked.

“At my request. Bob, this is Mikhail. Mikhail, this is Bob.”

“And he hasn’t been drinking?”

“Not a single drop. Pleasure to meet you, Mikhail, but in case you didn’t know, this is not a bar that serves alcohol.”

Mikhail looked around and saw there was not a single drop of alcohol. “What is this place?”

“I found it a few weeks into my AA meetings. There are not many clients, and those that are, hold chips. This is a place for us. Not many people come here, and I thought it would be the perfect place to celebrate the fact you’re going to be a dad.” Peter stood up. “Everyone here, my best friend has knocked up my little sister. He is going to be a father.”

