Claimed (The Courtside King #2) Read Online Kora Knight

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, Kink, M-M Romance, Taboo Tags Authors: Series: The Courtside King Series by Kora Knight

Total pages in book: 120
Estimated words: 116254 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

He had no doubt whatsoever that Ned would. In other words, his buddy would be occupied for the rest of the night. And honestly, Breck should probably be following his lead. God knew, everywhere he looked, girls were staring him down in open invitation, their please-God-do-whatever-you-want-to-me eyes impossible to miss. They’d certainly keep his mind off of things. Unfortunately, like last night at the party, he just wasn’t feeling it.

“Jesus. That line at the bar is ridiculous.”

Breck turned to find Tad and Scott returning with five shots and a beer.

Tad looked around. “Where’re the others?”

“Ned’s on the hunt, as per usual.” Breck gestured to the crowd of grinding bodies next. “The other two are out on the dance floor, trying to have sex with their clothes still on.”

Tad laughed and shook his head, sliding back into his seat. Scott settled in beside him and wound an arm around his waist. And what do you know, Tad didn’t flush this time. Because he’d been drinking, or maybe he was just adjusting more to his brand-new lifestyle.

Breck almost smiled, genuinely glad for his friend, the sight of him with Scott like a little hit of happy.

“Well, I’m not waiting for them.” Tad slid Breck his glass. “And neither should you, Harland. Green Apple Smirnoff. Bottoms up.” He’d ordered Breck’s favorite.

If only Breck were in the mood for shots. Forcing a smile, he lifted his glass. “Thanks, Mitchel. Cheers.”


“This is stupid. What am I doing?” Breck muttered.

Turn around, feet. Turn around.

They didn’t, though, and he didn’t fight them. Just kept heading down the sidewalk as he bounced his ball. Jegs and the others had talked him into meeting them at the basketball court. He was merely taking the scenic route—that just so happened to pass by a certain Grandmaster’s dojang.

And who knew, maybe the prospect of this detour was the reason he’d agreed to play ball in the first place. Didn’t hurt that he wasn’t hungover for the first Saturday in ages. Because ‘Friday nights were created for drinking.’ It was a law of the universe and shit. But he hadn’t been in the mood. So, he’d kept his alcohol intake to a bare fucking minimum. Thankfully, no one gave him grief. Probably because those in his posse were too buzzed to notice.

Except for Scott, the designated driver. Breck was pretty sure he’d been aware of his sober state. Hadn’t said anything though, or brought it to the attention of the others. Just quietly regarded Breck every now and again.

Needless to say, it’d been a long-ass night. Yet, when they finally dropped him off, he’d begun a whole new struggle to stay put at home. He’d wanted to go back to Kai’s so badly. His feet had been ready, his heart pounding rapidly. Luckily, Jegs and Charlie had intercepted before he’d done something stupid. Which showing up on Kai’s doorstep would most certainly have been.

He crossed at the street corner and slowly dribbled closer. Would Kai be there? And if he was, what would Breck do? Ring the doorbell and try to talk to the guy? Maybe just being near him would be enough.

His heartrate accelerated as he neared the building, the repetitive thumping of his basketball doing little for his nerves. His feet kept moving, closing the distance between them. He swallowed and eyed the door coming into view.

Damn. Its sign was turned to OPEN.

Which meant Kai was teaching classes today, maybe even right now.

Breck stayed his ball, holding it against his side, then made his way closer to tentatively glimpse inside.

Yup. Kai had a class in full swing. He stepped a little closer, unable to help it, and peered inside. It was late afternoon and the sky was overcast, so the interior lights were all on and shining bright. He spotted Kai instantly, the tallest and biggest by far. Not to mention the most gorgeous by a galaxy and a half.

Sighing, Breck leaned his shoulder against the exterior door frame and discreetly watched Gorgeous Grandmaster from afar. Just the sight of him made his stomach hurt. God, how he wished he could talk to him… But honestly, to accomplish what? Dole out another apology?

A humorless laugh shoved up his throat. How many would that be now? He went down the list. First one, when he punched Kai in the face. The second, when he bit the poor guy’s head off for an honest mistake.

For coming to his house unannounced and trashed again, then proceeding to make a pass at him with the finesse of an eighteen-wheeler.

And let’s not forget traumatizing the guy by making him a witness to Breck’s near fatal wreck. Only to end the night with the grand finale—after Kai had saved not just him but his precious ride—by giving Kai the I-thought-you-were-different line before storming off.

Breck groaned. No wonder Kai thought him a child. If the shoe fucking fits. And goddamn it, it did. Which meant, at this stage in the game, another slew of pathetic I’m sorries was a waste of time. Kai wouldn’t believe him. And in fairness, why should he?

