Claiming What’s Mine Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 120
Estimated words: 109976 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 550(@200wpm)___ 440(@250wpm)___ 367(@300wpm)

I checked my watch for the time after Kev’s little speech and picked up the phone to call dad. “Hello son.” He answered on the third ring. How are things in sunny Italy?”

“Thanks dad.” I didn’t have to explain.

“Consider it my first gift for my little grandbaby. I was prepared to play with that scoundrel like a cat with a mouse, but the pregnancy changes things. Better to get the whole ugly mess over and done with. When are you coming home son? Your mother is giving me fits about this baby thing.”

“We’ll be back in two days. I think I’ll take her to Connecticut for a while though, let her relax.”

“That sounds good, your mother and I will come out for a few days. Be prepared for the madness.” I heard mom’s voice in the background but couldn’t make out what she was saying.

“I gotta go son, your mother has been in contact with that Celeste person that gave the interview last week and she just learned some stuff that neither of us wanted her to know.” My blood didn’t exactly run cold but it was close.

“What do you mean?”

“She was your wife’s closest friend when she first got married, what do you think I mean? The young lady may not have meant to tell tales out of school but no one can hold out against your mother you know that.” Well shit!

“What’s wrong?” Kev asked as soon as I hung up the phone. I shook my head and walked back over to look at the screen.

“Nothing’s wrong. I think mom might go on the warpath.” The “Oh shit” from both of them was well warranted. If mom loses her shit then we’re all going to be at her mercy.

“I think we should head home a little early. I’m not too comfortable leaving the two of them to deal with this shit alone.” They both nodded in agreement and I headed upstairs to tell my wife. Fuck if I have a good enough excuse to give her. I’ll wing it.

She wasn’t awake yet so I laid next to her waiting for the fuckery to start when she woke up. She opened her eyes ten minutes later and I followed her into the bathroom, holding her hair while she threw up.

“Let’s go home early, I think you’ll be more comfortable at home.”

She leaned against me and nodded her head weakly. I’d been so out of it when I took her to see the doctor that I forgot to ask how long this was going to last. I helped her get cleaned up and made her sit and watch while I packed.

We went straight to Connecticut once we landed and since it was early in the morning the streets were empty but that didn’t keep me from being a nervous wreck. I’d never tell her this, but her pregnancy had put me in some sort of alternate universe where everything was a danger. I knew the other two could see it in me, but I was doing my best to keep it hidden from her.

She, on the other hand, seemed quite the opposite. It’s as though she’d gone through some type of metamorphosis. Either that or she’d been listening all those times I told her that she was going to be okay and that nothing and no one would touch her on my watch. Funny how life works right.

I hustled her into the house and straight to bed but headed back down to the others who were waiting for me. “Change of plans.”

“I knew there was a reason you hustled us back here. What is it?” Kev had been busy checking his phone.

“I read over everything on the plane. You and I both know that PMCS contract the senator is about to lose is going to cost him millions, he’s not going to take this lying down. Dad’s probably trying to take the heat off of her and I, expecting him to come after him instead, but I won’t let that happen.”


“So I plan to take the fight to him myself. Game over. I’m not about to have her stressing over this shit any longer and now mom’s getting involved, no fucking way.” They were both nodding their heads by the time I was done.

I’m not sure what all mom plans to do with what she’d learned, in fact I have no idea what Celeste knows and I’m not about to ask my pregnant wife about that shit. But either way I think it best to handle the situation before it gets any more out of control.

“What do you propose?”

“I’ve given this a lot of thought on the way here. Tomorrow I’m going to pay the senator a visit. He’s probably feeling cornered now due to the events of the last few days. I want to hit him now, force his hand so that he’d make his move.”

