Coming Home Read Online Lydia Michaels (Surrender Trilogy #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Billionaire, Contemporary, Dark, Drama, Erotic, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Surrender Trilogy Series by Lydia Michaels

Total pages in book: 128
Estimated words: 130286 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 651(@200wpm)___ 521(@250wpm)___ 434(@300wpm)

“She had plans.”

“Ah, so she was invited and simply couldn’t make it. How interesting.” She shot Jamie a derisive glance and his friend rolled his eyes. This was not what they needed this evening.

Lucian tilted his head to Shamus, his eyes asking What the fuck? Jamie simply shook his head and said, “George and Preston should be here any minute. Let’s order some drinks and get on with this.

They’re both gin-and-tonic men.”

They waved over the waitress and ordered a round of the house’s best gin, and drinks for the rest of

them. Toni ordered a daiquiri or some other juvenile display that was inappropriate. This entire parade was making his jaw tense. What the hell was Shamus thinking, entertaining a relationship with his

little sister? This was exactly why the idea was ludicrous. Not only were Shamus’s tastes too dark for

Lucian to contemplate when involving his sister, their lifestyle required a certain level of class that came, not with money, but with time and experience the likes of which Toni had yet to learn.

Lucian sighed and sipped his brandy. They discussed the strategy for schmoozing their associates,

and Toni remained quiet. However, her disinterested expression, the one that said they were boring her

and she’d rather be shopping, grated on Lucian.

Toni fidgeted like a child in church. He wanted to slap his friend for not taking control of the

situation and demanding she stay home. This wasn’t fucking Romper Room. It was a multimillion-

dollar merger that they were rumored to lose.

Shamus hissed a warning to Toni, who replied with an indignant glare when their guests arrived.

Luckily, by the time George and Preston were escorted to their table, his sister’s expression had

morphed into serene acquiescence.

The five of them shook hands and Antoinette was introduced. Ice was broken and orders were

placed with no regard to price, and every bit of emphasis placed on the unspoken acknowledgement

that the Labex men were their honored guests. No comment was made to hint there was any chance the

deal could go to another bidder. Confidence and the assumption of success were all part of the game of


Throughout the meal, Shamus and Lucian made a good play to lull their associates into a state of

comfort that seduced them into believing this was right, this was where they wanted to be and it was in their best interests to stay.

Toni remained silent through most of the meal and Lucian was relieved. She preened prettily and

batted her eyes at the other men. Ironically, this play of flattery outwardly annoyed Jamie, although he quickly hid it.

When the meal was concluded, Lucian felt confident they’d done a good job of firming up their ties.

However, he was smart enough to know their work was far from done. Like sex, there would have to

be some morning-after cuddling and follow-up throughout the day to prove to their counterparts they

were valued and memorable even after the interaction.

Seth would send a well-thought-out thank-you that would trickle down to their subordinates. Quincy

would readdress the plans, putting them in a new, shiny light that left the impression of Patras

covering every base and ensuring every T was crossed and ass kissed. It was all routine bullshit that

came with the game.

Preston even commented on Antoinette’s bracelet, saying his wife would like something similar.

Lucian would have Seth send him the gift in the morning.

He took care of the bill and they exited the restaurant together. Once the valet retrieved George’s

Mercedes, they shook hands and said good-bye.

Toni let out a breath of air as if the entire evening had been unbearable. “Next time I get mad you

don’t include me in business dinners, remind me how boring they are. Jeez, I should have stayed home

and watched the Kardashians.”

Dugan arrived with the limo, and the three of them slid onto the seats. As the car jostled, making

fast progress to Shamus’s condo, Toni said, “Where’s Evelyn?”

That same question had been in the forefront of his mind all evening. It was tiring, this new position

he was taking with her. He didn’t enjoy constantly reining in his temper and his need for control, but

he was trying to redevelop the trust he’d lost, and that meant trusting her.

“She had an appointment.” There was no need to make excuses to his little sister about things that

were clearly none of her business.

“An appointment where?”

Jamie cut in before he needed to. “Antoinette, mind your own business.”

Toni crossed her arms and huffed. “Whatever.”

Ignoring the irritating lovebirds, Lucian gazed out the window until they reached Jamie’s. When

Dugan opened the door he was surprised to see Toni exit the car as well. Nothing like having the

visual of his sister being debauched driven home. He gritted his teeth and pretended everything was as

it should be, wanting nothing more than to end this evening and find Evelyn.

He wanted to text her, but texting was an issue for them. He couldn’t call until he was alone.

