Finding his Goddess – Kindred Tales Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 94091 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 470(@200wpm)___ 376(@250wpm)___ 314(@300wpm)

“So I’m guessing we won’t be having another meal like the one we ate with her last night in the entropy chairs,” T’zaren remarked.

“The chairs have already been destroyed,” the seamstress told him. “I saw them burning and melting in the Great Hall fireplace this morning!”

Lucy bit her lip. To be honest, before all this had happened, she’d been kind of hoping for another chance to sit in those chairs with T’zaren. Only this time, she’d been thinking she might try his larger, primary shaft. True, it was extremely big, but he’d certainly made her wet enough to take him with the way he’d licked and tasted her the night before. And since they’d agreed to try dating once they got home, it seemed like an acceptable thing to do.

But now it looked like there was going to be no more penetration for anyone, she thought. (She was wrong about this, but she had no way of knowing it.)

“There my Lady—that’s the top done,” the seamstress said, breaking her train of thought.

Lucy looked down at herself in surprise.

“Oh! You made me a bustier!”

An extremely revealing bustier, as it turned out. The black leather cups supported the bottoms of her breasts but her nipples and the tops of her breasts were bare. The black leather came down to her waist and stopped just above her belly button.

“Now for the bottom,” the seamstress said and proceeded to spray paint a black leather mini-skirt onto Lucy’s hips and thighs. She trimmed up the hem and then made a large V-shaped split right in the front and center of the skirt which clearly showed Lucy’s pussy.

There were also a pair of black lace panties to go under the skirt. But when she examined the panties, Lucy saw that they, too, had a vertical slit in them.

“Wait!” she exclaimed, looking down at herself. “I thought penetration wasn’t allowed with Mistress Shin’dara?”

“Oh, it’s not, my Lady,” the seamstress said. “That slit is so your male can pay proper obeisance to you. He must kiss your pussy to show his devotion.”

“Oh…all right.” Lucy nodded. Considering how much T’zaren loved tasting her pussy, this shouldn’t be a problem she thought. Though the idea of letting him do it in front of other people made her blush, she knew she would do whatever was necessary in order to get the dimriel.

After the seamstress finished the skirt, she gave Lucy some high-heeled, black leather boots to wear which she said were the same kind of footwear Mistress Shin’dara wore herself. Lastly, she handed Lucy a long, black instrument with a handle on one end and a rectangle of flexible black leather on the other. It had a loop near the handle that she could slip over her wrist or wear at the hook that was on one side of her skirt.

“What’s this? A riding crop?” Lucy turned it over in her hands, examining it from all angles.

The seamstress nodded shortly.

“Mistress Shin’dara will expect you to carry some instrument of punishment with you—she does herself, you know.”

“But…I don’t want to use something like this on T’zaren!” Lucy protested.

“You don’t always have to beat your manservant with it,” the seamstress pointed out impatiently. “You can use it for direction or just for sensation play. Honestly, a real Dom’mesque would know these things!” she added.

Lucy examined the crop some more and then hooked it to her side where it dangled by her thigh. She wasn’t going to use it if she could help it, she promised herself. Hopefully just having it would convince Mistress Shin’dara that she was a Dom’mesque.

The seamstress, in the meantime, had turned her attention to making a collar and leash and some cock rings for T’zaren. The collar was black leather as was the leash that hung down from the front of it.

“I’m really sorry about this,” Lucy murmured, as she stood on her tiptoes to help T’zaren adjust it so it wasn’t choking him. “I know it can’t be comfortable.”

“Stop that!” the seamstress snapped before the big Monstrum could answer her.

“Stop what?” Lucy looked at her, surprised by her sharp tone.

“Stop apologizing to your manservant!” the seamstress exclaimed. “Stop treating him like an equal! That’s the fastest way to get yourselves killed or kicked out of the stronghold—Mistress Shin’dara will never believe you’re a Dom’mesque if you go on acting like that!”

“She’s right,” T’zaren rumbled. Catching Lucy’s hands in his own much larger ones, he took them away from his collar and placed them firmly by her sides. “You must treat me as you see Mistress Shin’dara treating the males of the stronghold when we meet her,” he told Lucy. “You must remember that I live only to serve and protect you and pleasure you and you must not treat me as more than a manservant.”

“But…but what if she’s being cruel to them—to the guards and the staff?” Lucy asked in a small voice, thinking again of the crop that dangled by her side. “I don’t want to hurt you, T’zaren!”

