Forbidden Highlander Read Online Donna Fletcher (Highlander Trilogy #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Historical Fiction, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Highlander Trilogy Series by Donna Fletcher

Total pages in book: 121
Estimated words: 111355 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 557(@200wpm)___ 445(@250wpm)___ 371(@300wpm)

Cree was quick to scoop her up and settle her in his lap, his large hand brushing hers away to gentle caress her stomach.

“He will learn to listen to me and not trouble his mother,” Cree said as if issuing an order and as if the babe heard his da, the nausea calmed.

Dawn nestled against Cree quite comfortable to sit on his lap until she realized he was naked and she could feel him swelling against her. Of course it had her growing wet in an instant and she had no doubt that they would return to bed as soon as she felt well enough, which she did not mind at all.

“If you keep fidgeting against me like that you know what’s going to happen.”

She hadn’t realized she had been doing that but now that she did know... she continued doing so.

A low groan rumbled in Cree’s throat. “You’re not feeling well.”

Dawn squirmed even more.

“I’m warning you—”

She silenced him, rubbing her bottom slowly across his growing hardness.

“That’s it,” he said with a determination that thrilled Dawn.

Before Cree could get to his feet a knock sounded at the door.

“Damn, but I’m tired of these interruptions.”

“Cree!” Sloan shouted and pounded the door at the same time.

“Enter,” Cree yelled and when Sloan walked in Cree shot him a murderous glare. “This better be important.”

“The fellow who attacked Dawn is at Elsa’s cottage. He was seeking her help to heal the wound he suffered when he attacked Dawn. Elsa says he waited too long and he doesn’t have much time left.”

“I’ll be dressed in a minute,” Cree said and stood placing Dawn on the chair.

She was out of it in a flash and rushing past him into the other room to slip out of her nightdress and into her clothes. She sent him a look that warned that she would not be left behind.

Cree didn’t want to waste time arguing with her, and besides he could see if Elsa had anything that would help ease Dawn’s stomach. He hated seeing her suffer even if it was the natural course of things.

Dawn had her cloak on and was waiting at the door beside Sloan when Cree entered the room. He stretched his hand out to her as he approached reminding her that she was to stay near him. She took it and nodded and out the door they went.

Elsa didn’t stand out of respect as she normally would do when Cree entered a room and it was easy to see why. A young man lay on the bed babbling incoherently. Elsa was busy bathing his face with a cool cloth and talking softly to him.

Cree released Dawn’s hand and nodded to Sloan who stepped closer to her side as Cree walked over to the young man.

Elsa looked up at Cree and shook her head.

“Can he hear and understand me?” Cree asked.

“The fever has a hold of him so I cannot say for sure.”

“Help,” the young man cried out. “Please... help me.”

The last of his plea could barely be heard.

His hand shot out and Elsa took hold of it. “It’s all right, lad. It’s all right.”

“Noooo,” he cried. “Help... have to help.”

Cree had seen many a young warrior beg for help as he faced death. There was never anything he could do for them but sit with them so they wouldn’t die alone. Something no one wanted to do alone.

But this young man had answers that could help save Dawn’s life and he wanted those answers before the lad died.

He nodded to Elsa to move and once she did he sat. “Who hired you to kill the voiceless woman?”

The young man’s eyes turned wide and he shook his head and was barely able to spit out, “Help.”

“I’ll help you but you must answer me. Who hired you?”

“Me good,” the young man mumbled his eyes drifting closed. “Me good. Help.”

“Answer me,” Cree shouted.

Dawn rushed over to Cree and plunked herself down on his lap. Before he could move her off, she reached out and took hold of the young man’s hand.

His eyes popped wide again and he barely got out ‘love’ when he started choking. His hand stayed clamped around Dawn’s and when he was finally able to catch a breath he pleaded once more, “Help me.”

One last cough and catch of a breath and he was gone.

Dawn held his limp hand for a moment before resting it on his chest. Then she stood and walked away from Cree, only half listening to the many questions he bombarded Elsa with. There was something about the young man’s barely audible pleas that bothered Dawn. Something was missing from them and she couldn’t quite grasp what it was.

“He was no warrior, begging for help to the very end,” Sloan said joining Cree and Elsa.

“No, he was hired for a job that he failed to complete and in the end wanted nothing more than to be saved from death,” Cree said.

