Grim – Satan’s Fury MC – Little Rock Read Online L. Wilder

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Dark, MC, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 77394 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 387(@200wpm)___ 310(@250wpm)___ 258(@300wpm)

“He’s taking care of a few things.”

“I feel like I haven’t really seen him. I was out of it when he brought us here.”

“Yeah, you were, but don’t worry. You’ll be seeing him soon enough.” He leaned against the desk and smiled. “So, you two are a thing, huh?”

“I’m not the one to ask about that.”

“I don’t know. I think you are.”

“Well, if I have a say in it, and I’m not all that sure I do, I’d say yeah.” I gave him a shrug. “There’s definitely something there.”

“Oh, there’s no doubt about that. I’ve never seen him like this before.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know. It’s hard to explain. It’s like he’s finally alive. You know... Not just going through the motions but actually living. I started noticing the change in him right around the time you moved in, but I didn’t actually piece it together until the night he showed up at the bar.”

“Yeah, that was a telling night.” I sat down on the edge of the bed. “I still don’t understand one thing.”

“Oh, and what’s that?”

“Why didn’t you tell me that you were his son? He told me about the thing with the club and you not wanting there to be any influence there, but I had no part in that. You could’ve at least mentioned it.”

“You’re right. I should have, and I have no idea why I didn’t. I guess I was just hoping that things would go another way. But don’t get me wrong, I’m glad they went the way they did.”

“Thanks, Skid.”

“It’s the truth. I may not always show it, but I love my ol’ man. He’s gotten us both through some tough times.”

“He said the same about you.”

“He’s not one for showing emotion.”

“I’ve noticed.” I giggled. “But when he does...”

“Yeah, it’s something.”

“So, what happens now?”

“There are some loose strings still needing to be tied up, but I figure he will be back soon.”

“And what about Delgado?”

“You know I can’t say much, but I don’t think you’ll have to worry about him anymore.”

“Thank goodness for that.”

“So, you’re doing okay?”

“Yeah, I’m good.”

“You sure?” he pushed. “I know last night had to be rough.”

“Yeah, that’s putting it lightly.” I glanced over at Luna as I whispered, “I was so scared. I’d tried so hard, but the fear of messing things up had me wondering if either of us was going to make it out of there. One wrong move...”

One tear rolled into the next, and before I realized it, I was full-on crying—something I’d tried desperately not to do, especially in front of Luna. Trying his best to console me, Skid placed his hand on my arm and said, “You did good, Jen. You did real good.”

Hearing him say that only made me cry more. I was becoming a blubbering mess when the door opened, and Lawson stepped in. “What the hell is this?”

I didn’t answer. I simply stepped over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him. I held him close, letting the warmth of his touch calm me, and when my tears began to subside, I kept holding on.

I just didn’t want to let go. After several moments, he placed his mouth next to my ear and whispered, “I’ve got ya, baby. I’m not letting go.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t know what got into me.”

“No need to apologize.” He gave me a light squeeze. “You good?”

“Better now.” I looked up at him with a smile. “Are you done doing whatever you had to do?”

“No, but I’m in dire need of some shut-eye. You ready to head home?”


“I’m ready, too,” Luna announced as she stood and jumped into Lawson’s arms. He winced for a slight moment, which was surprising, but I let the thought go when she asked, “Can Skid come, too?”

“Awe, that’s sweet, Lune Bug, but I...”

“Yeah,” Lawson interrupted. “Skid can come, too.”

“Don’t we need to clean up a bit before we go?”

“Nah, one of the girls will get it.”

Lawson was still carrying Luna when he reached down and took my hand. With Skid following behind, we headed outside to his truck. When he opened the back door, I was surprised to find that Luna’s car seat was secured inside. It had been in my car the day before, which led me to ask, “What about my car?”

“We’ll take care of it.” When I hesitated, he added, “I’ll have one of the guys bring it over later.”

I nodded and then waited as he put Luna in her car seat. Once she was buckled in, he and I got inside, and with Skid following on his bike, we headed over to his place. When we pulled up, there were several unfamiliar vehicles parked along the curb. Lawson didn’t seem bothered by the fact, so I didn’t mention anything.

Once we were parked, I got out and grabbed Luna, and we all started up the front steps. That’s when I noticed that there were boxes lined up in the garage. I turned to Lawson and asked, “What’s all this?”

