Hate to Love You Read Online Books Tijan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Drama, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 112951 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 565(@200wpm)___ 452(@250wpm)___ 377(@300wpm)

Aby and Becca came to Shay and Linde’s house, and I was there for that segment, but I wouldn’t be when they stood in front of the class. All of them agreed I shouldn’t be penalized for that, but I still helped with everything else.

Aby and Becca weren’t catty when I saw them for researching.

The bruises had long ago faded, and I was back to my old physical self. What was different was my relationship with Shay. It was out in the open, and while we weren’t a public display of affection couple, there was the random back rub or hand graze, or how I just liked to stand by him and lean into his side.

I forgot how noticeable those were until the two girls openly stared.

I grew more aware afterward, but neither sniped at me. Both were quiet, and each even gave me a hug the last time our group met.

My mom, Gage, Kristina, and the rest of the other girls helped to pack up all my stuff. I was going to move into a new room with Kristina and Casey. I explained to the committee that I’d feel safer with them. My roommate was barely in her room, except for when she slept, and I was closer to Kristina and Casey anyway.

After finals, I met Casey, Laura, and Sarah out for dinner.

Kristina came, too, but she was a few minutes late. Everything was almost normal. Almost. I enjoyed listening to them gossip and using last names of people I didn’t know. But then the conversation changed. The feeling grew more somber.

I didn’t know why until Casey said, “I’d cry.” She snapped her fingers. “At the drop of a hat, or if someone wanted to watch something I didn’t. I never knew what would set it off, but man, they’d just flow. It was annoying.”

She glanced over to meet my gaze.

We both were knocked down. We were both standing.

Or I was still trying to.

Hiding was holding me back, and I knew it. A shared look passed between us. I knew Casey knew it, too. I had to step out of the shadows, but my first semester was done except for one more event.

Shay’s last football game.

He said he didn’t care if I came, but I was girlfriend status now. I had to go. There was no reason not to go, and yes, he was a junior. He’d have one more year to play, and I would go to every single game, but I knew this one was important. It was their last. They hadn’t won enough to continue on to nationals, so it was their last whether they won or not.

I wanted to go. I was terrified—but I wanted to go.

“You sure about this?” Casey asked, standing in front of me that day.

I was in a Dulane sweatshirt, and I wanted to pull that hood up. I wanted to hide again.

I didn’t do that, but I did nod. “I’m sure.”

“People are going to stare.” Kristina stood behind her.

There wasn’t anything to stare at. There were no scars. No more fat lip. No bruises. My hair was good, even. I looked better than I had before, if I was going to toot my own horn. My skin had a glow to it. I lost a few pounds, and I’d started working out with Shay. I didn’t do the runs, but they had a makeshift gym in their basement. I joined Linde and Shay when they lifted weights. I was a little more toned.

I remarked now, “Let them stare.”

Sarah added, “They’re going to talk.”

“Bring it on.” I raised my chin.

Laura said, “Half are going to feel sorry for you, and half are going to hate you.”

I pressed my lips together. “Fuck the haters.”

Every single one of them tried to hold back their grins. Every single one failed.

Kristina moved forward, separating one of my curls from the others. Once it looked how she wanted, she stepped back. She waved her hands in the air. “Perfect.”

I was doing this.

I had to do this.

I was ready to go.

I was returning to the original scene of the crime.

Not the real crime, but what jump-started it all. A large crowd of people was moving toward the bleachers with us. Casey and I shared a look when we walked over to where the Dick Crushing event happened. She leaned over, a faint trace of a smile showing. “You were very fierce that day.”

“The fucker had to come at me from behind the next time. Imagine if he hadn’t? Forget Dick Crusher. It could’ve been a Dick Rip-Off Event.”

She smothered her laughter into her sleeve.

Kristina glanced back. “What are you guys talking about?”

“I’ll tell you later,” Casey said.

Sarah and Laura were farther ahead, weaving through the crowds and leading us. We got to the bleachers, and it was then that it happened.

