Highway Don’t Care Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Freebirds #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Freebirds Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 105398 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 527(@200wpm)___ 422(@250wpm)___ 351(@300wpm)

We weren’t at the stage in our relationship where I could do all those bodily functions in front of him, let alone even speak openly about them. Therefore, instead of answering him, I would roll my eyes and leave without saying anything. Yes, I’d let out a discreet burp here and there, but nothing like the nice long belches that sounded like they came from a four hundred pound man like I was used to doing.

“You have got to be fucking kidding me.” Max said. “I shot that fucker in the head with a shotgun. His face would be gone, he wouldn’t be able to get up and shoot me.”

“Good thing you don’t have those slow reflexes in real life.” Gabe chuckled. “We wouldn’t be here today otherwise.”

“Fuck off, Ponch.” Max shot back.

“I do not look like that guy off of Chips!” Gabe said while shooting an assailant who tried to sneak up behind him and winning the match.

“You totally do. You’re the perfect match. You could be his twin.” Max said while tossing his controller onto the couch in a sign of defeat.

“Just because I have dark luscious hair and beautiful, darkly tanned mocha skin doesn’t make me look like him.” He volleyed back. “Don’t be jealous.”

To tell you the truth, he kind of reminded me of Uncle Jesse from Full House, but bulked up with muscle, and a few tattoos and scars to boot. He had that beautiful smile with perfect white teeth. He also had a great head of hair, pitch black and straight. Even his skin color was nearly the same.

“Jesus, get over yourself. Want to go again?” Max asked.

Gabe took his controller back from its perch on the coffee table. “Sure.”


If that were me, I would’ve been pulling hair by now. Still he’d yet to acknowledge that I was standing there waiting to ask him a question. I know he heard me, but he was doing his level best to ignore the fact that I wanted to go do something, and he didn’t want to. Well screw that. Just because I couldn’t leave the compound didn’t mean that I couldn’t find something to do. He should know better by now. Just a couple of days ago I got myself stuck on the lift in the garage for over an hour.

Cheyenne and I had a bright idea. We were bored, and the girls were napping in their car seats in the back of Sam’s truck. We’d moved the truck into the garage, but couldn’t go far since they were still sleeping. I’d been playing with the nifty little levers that they used to hoist the cars up into the air when Cheyenne dared me to get up and ride it to the top. Never one to turn down a challenge, I’d gotten all the way to the top before we realized we had no clue how to get the thing back on the ground. Cheyenne had spent the next forty-five minutes looking for a way to get me down. You’d think it being a garage that they would have a ladder of some sort, but no, not in this garage there wasn’t. So there I sat when Max and James walked through the door.

It could have been anyone else, and it would’ve been fine. Nevertheless, when those two got together, I always ended up hurt, crying, or worse. It took them fifteen minutes of laughing and making fun of me before they finally made a move toward letting me down. Regrettably, before they got me down, Gabe and Sam walked in. They took in the scene in three seconds, and immediately joined in on the teasing Ember parade. I was getting pissed. I’d been up there for nearly an hour, I had to piss, and I was yearning for a Snickers.

I’d told them I was going to jump down if they didn’t get me down. Cheyenne immediately started to come let me down when James grabbed her from behind and wouldn’t let her come. She knew I wasn’t bluffing. Gabe was still having a laughing fit. They were all less than a foot away, so I pretty much said, “Screw it” and jumped towards Max and Gabe. I knew one of them would catch me. One of them did, and it was Gabe.

One second he was doubled over, the next, I was in his arms. Air had rushed out of me in a whoosh when my body slammed into his. I made sure to smack Max with my elbow accidentally too.

“Don’t ever do that again.” Gabe said angrily. “What would have happened to you if I hadn’t caught you?”

“Owww. I tink you broke my nose.” Max whined nasally.

I ignored him as he lectured me not to do anything stupid anymore, but I couldn’t help it. I had an innate ability to get into trouble. I was also plagued with being curious. That’s why I’ve had seven broken bones and twenty-seven stitches in total in my lifetime. I should know better, but never once did I stop to think that this was a stupid idea until I was already in the throes of doing said stupid idea.

Walking out of Gabe’s door, I headed into the direction of Cheyenne’s house. Sam was outside washing his truck. He was shirtless in jeans, a ball cap, and boots. His stomach rippled, and his arm flexed as he pulled a Mr. Miyagi with his “wax on, wax off” motions. I would’ve drooled a little if he wasn’t my best friend’s man. Didn’t mean I couldn’t look though. I knew he’d clocked me as soon as I walked out of the door, but he didn’t say anything until I got right next to him.

“She’s in the garage. Something about putting a new sticker on a truck and needing a razor blade.” He answered my question without me even asking it.

“Thanks.” I said before turning and walking into the garage.

Cheyenne was in the back of James’ truck using a razor blade to scrape off an old sticker off the back glass of his brand new Ford F-350.

