Knock Me Up (Wed and Bred #2) Read Online Frankie Love

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors: Series: Wed and Bred Series by Frankie Love

Total pages in book: 21
Estimated words: 19661 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 98(@200wpm)___ 79(@250wpm)___ 66(@300wpm)

“Our belief in the sanctity of marriage?”

“Eh, people have done crazier things than us to insult marriage. Neither of us are drunk at least, and the pastor isn’t going to dress up like Elvis unless you really, really beg him to.”

I ponder his proposal. The fact that I’m considering it at all makes me doubt my sanity. But I remember the story of Olivia’s happy-ever-after. She met the man of her dreams on a whim, and it’s gone so wonderfully for her. Sure, it’s only been two months, but damn if I’ve ever seen her happier than in that time. Lightning struck for her, a one-in-a-million outcome.

Lightning striking again is even more unlikely, but it is possible, right?

I just have to take the chance.

“Fine. Yes. I’ll do it. I’ll marry you, Luke.” The fact he’s the most handsome man on the planet certainly weighed into my decision, I’ll have to admit.


Then, to top off the crazy, he goes for it.

He kisses me.

And it’s fantastic. Electric, his lips on mine, and I lean into him. His tongue pushes in and meets mine. It’s strong, it’s passionate, and goddamn, I’m really liking what I’m feeling. I want more of this, that’s for damn sure.

Luke is offering a lifetime supply.

When the kiss finally breaks, I’m bashful as hell, but he’s just pleased.

He clears his throat. “Well, then. With that agreement made, there are preparations we must do. As practical and business-appropriate as your outfit is, it’s not proper to get married in.”

Usually when I come to weddings for my business, I’m in a modest pantsuit with a button-down underneath. It’s respectful of me since I’m not the star of the show, but it’s by no means proper bridal attire.

Footsteps break up our discussion, and I stand up and step away from Luke as if we’re trying to hide something. He stands up too, and then undoes any attempts to hide the situation by wrapping his arm around me and pulling me close. He’s my fiancé now, after all.

“Piper, I didn’t know you had a boyfriend.” It’s Arnold, my photographer friend. “Wait.”

He narrows his eyes as he recognizes Luke as the groom he’s meant to shoot today, but Luke rushes ahead to cut off that line of questioning.

“She’s my fiancée,” he declares. “And we’re getting married today.”

Arnold looks at me. Then at Luke. “Oookay…” He looks about ready to ask about Ophelia, but he’s the consummate professional, just like me, and I can see the calculations going on behind his eyes. He decides not to rock the boat and just smiles instead. “Great. Although I have to confess, Piper, this is a shock.”

“Believe me,” I say, glancing at Luke. “I’m as surprised as you are.”

“It seems… sudden.” He laughs, as if he just said something absurd like, the sun is made out of a million light bulbs, and that’s why it burns so bright.

“It kind of is, and it’s hard to explain. I’m thankful that you’re here, though. I need a dress and I was hoping you could help.”

Arnold looks me up and down again. “Yeah, you’re not dressed like someone about to get married.”

“You have dresses at your studio right? For people to wear during photoshoots?”

“Yeah. Isn’t the finest stuff, but it gets the job done.”

“No bride of mine will have to resort to secondhand gowns,” Luke declares. “I’ll arrange for you to have one properly fitted.”

“Doesn’t that take weeks or months?” I question Luke.

“Not if you grease the wheels in the right places. I’ll make some phone calls. And I want you to make some phone calls too. We need to fill this church by tonight if we’re going to do this wedding justice.”

I let out a long breath. “Are you sure you don’t just want to do a quickie and keep it between us?”

“No. If I’m getting married, Piper, I want the world to know. No secrecy. I’m calling my people, and I want you to call yours.”

I nod. I guess that's what he wants. It’s only slightly more absurd than Olivia’s wedding. She got married in a courthouse and then invited everyone out for a ceremony a month later. Why not just have the ceremony on the same day and save time?

“Go ahead and do your preparations, Arnold. We’ll be back sooner rather than later.”

“Can’t believe you’re getting married just like that. But hey, congratulations.”

“Yeah, thanks.”

After a little conferring with Luke and listening to him call a designer, I go outside the church and sit on the bench. My ride to the designer’s studio will be here soon, but I still have to call up my friends. I figure I’ll start with Olivia, since her bad influence is why I’m in this delightful mess in the first place.

She picks up immediately. “Piper? How’ve you been?”

We’ve spoken less since she got married. Her new husband has been running her ragged, spoiling her and giving her lots of... let’s just call it exercise. “Uh, I’m fine. How about you?”

