Lana’s Winger (Silver Spoon Falls Falcons #5) Read Online Loni Ree

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Silver Spoon Falls Falcons Series by Loni Ree

Total pages in book: 16
Estimated words: 14921 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 75(@200wpm)___ 60(@250wpm)___ 50(@300wpm)

“I’ll get my head out of my ass,” I tell him. “I just need some sleep.” And to convince my goddess to give me the fucking time of day.

“This is your last warning.” We might be friends off the ice, but Gray is still my boss and he doesn’t pull any punches. “If you aren’t in a better headspace, don’t bother showing up tomorrow.”

I end up at the Park Avenue Bar drowning my sorrows over my girl. Not my brightest moment.

I’m attempting to order another whiskey when Gray shows up. “What the fuck is up with you?”

I’m too drunk to deal with the asshole. “That’s none of your goddamn business. Go home and worry about your woman and leave me the fuck alone.”

The meathead bouncer from the front door walks up to stick his nose in my business. “Told you he was being a fucking menace,” he tells Gray.

“Can you help me get him out of here?” These two assholes are talking about me like I’m some fucking kid.

“It’s a good thing Razor pays me so well.” The burly asshole walks around me. “If you swing at me again, I’ll knock you on your fucking ass.”

I’m not scared of the asshole. I flip him off and push back from the bar. The room goddamn swims around me as I sway on my feet. “Come on.” They each take hold of one of my arms. “It’s time to get you home before you get into trouble.”

“Whatever.” My stomach rolls as all the fight drains from me.

In my last act of defiance, I let the two assholes carry-drag me the two blocks to Gray’s car.

“You could’ve parked closer,” the bouncer grumbles to Gray.

“There are no parking spots any closer.” My coach struggles to hold me up with one hand while reaching into his pocket to grab his keys.

“You fucking owe me,” Gray growls as the bouncer shoves my ass into the passenger seat.

“Good riddance,” the burly asshole growls before slamming the door in my face.

I bang on the window and yell, “Fuck off, you ugly motherfucker.” I don’t care if I sound like a spoiled little kid. “The bar sucks.”

“Then don’t come back, asshole,” the bouncer yells back through the window then glances around me. “Make sure he doesn’t show his face around here for a few nights.”

“I’ll try,” my coach mumbles as my vision blurs.

The next thing I know, I wake up on my sofa sweating my ass off with one of my wool blankets pulled up over me. I sit up and kick the goddamn blanket off, and a sheet of paper slides to the floor.

I reach down and grab the note. It takes me a few tries to blink and clear the blurriness from my vision.

Hangovers aren’t excused reasons for missing practice. Either take me up on my offer of a few days off or drag your ass in for practice.


I brew myself a strong cup of coffee then sit on my back deck to debate my options. In my heart, I know there’s no way I’ll give up on my goddess, so I guess I’ll have to find a way to make sure she feels the same way about me.

After packing a bag, I send Gray a message.


I’m going to take your offer.

Asshole boss

Go figure out your shit and come back with your head on straight.


I might not come back to the team.

Asshole boss

Fuck me. Not you too?

My friend just found his own soulmate, so he should understand where I’m coming from.


Yes, me too.

Asshole boss

Keep me up to date on what’s happening. We’ll make it work.


I owe you.

Asshole boss

And I’ll collect from you one day.

I have no doubt he will. As I drive to the airport, I make a mental list of everything I need to do to win over my girl. My little goddess is going to find out she can’t get rid of me easily. Worst case, I can always resort to kidnapping. At least I have options.



I’m staring blankly at my computer screen when Debra sticks her head in my office door and announces, “Your daily delivery is here.” I’m not going to lie; relief cuts through me when I realize Jensen hasn’t given up on me. For the first week after our date, he sent some sort of gift every single day, but then the deliveries stopped coming two days ago and I started to worry that he’d finally listened to me and was giving up. God. I’m losing my freaking mind over the hot hockey player.

“Would you please send it back?” I ask, even though I’m not sure I’m going to let her return whatever it is. A little voice in the back of my mind keeps urging me to take a chance and see where things go between us. I’m terrified to jump into something with him, but I know I’ll regret it forever if I don’t at least try.

