Learning to Walk – The Education of the Heart Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: Insta-Love, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 76523 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 383(@200wpm)___ 306(@250wpm)___ 255(@300wpm)

Well, that was good to know.

“Thank you but we found someone else to answer them.” I tried to step around Jude and get into the apartment but he didn’t budge.

He was so grumpy.

“Who?” Somehow his being nosy wasn’t as cute as when Bates did it.

Wondering why, I turned around to look at Cash. “When Bates does that it’s not as frustrating. Is that because he’s hot or is it back to the happy thing?”

As Jude snorted, Brady peeked around him. “Jude’s hot.”

That was up for debate.

Especially when Jude rolled his eyes. “Thank you.”

Yep, not as cute as Bates.

“I think it’s the happy thing.” Cash shrugged, not looking positive about it. “Brady’s mom said being happy would bring more good stuff to you…or something like that. Maybe she was actually right.”

That didn’t explain how Jude had gotten Brady, though.

“I still think there are some holes in that logic.” But she hadn’t been wrong so far. “We’ll see what Bates has to say. He’s smart.”

“Jude’s smart.” Brady was glaring at us and it was kind of creepy. “Daddy’s very smart.”

The frowning had to be contagious because they were wearing matching expressions. It wasn’t twice as frustrating as when Jude did it but it was still…something, so I stepped back and ended up in Cash’s arms.

He was the smartest of all because he gave me a hug and huffed at them. “This is ridiculous. We’re going to bed and you’re going to stop glaring at us like we’ve done something wrong.”

Brady seemed to realize he’d been naughty and backed off, but Jude was very Jude. “You’ve been talking about BDSM shit with strangers. I have a right to be worried.”

Did he?

Leaning back, I tried to whisper but everyone was just too close. “Did him becoming Brady’s Daddy make him some kind of relation to us? Will safewords work on him too? This is getting…yes…red. I’m red.”

Ha, it worked.

Somehow it was magic and made Jude take a step back as his eyes got even wider than Brady’s…and his looked like they were going to pop out of his head. But the magic word opened up a space in the door so I wasn’t going to question it.

Grabbing Cash’s hand, I tugged him in through the hole and hurried him back to our bedroom as he waved at Brady. “Have fun with your Daddy and I hope you get an orgasm.”

He was so polite.

I’d figure out if I had to apologize later, but I wasn’t going to be polite.

I was too frustrated and wound up, as Brady’s mom would’ve said, to be polite…and somehow, I was exhausted once we got the door to our bedroom shut and we were safe from the frowning. “That was…”

It seemed like the best thing about getting to date Cash too was that I got a lot more hugs because he just wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tight. It was so good, I closed my eyes and leaned into him. “I think we need to have Bates walk us home next time. I’m kind of sorry we said we could walk upstairs on our own.”

Not the best move.

“Well, in our defense, I didn’t think they’d be here.” Cash let out a deep breath. “Or that Jude would be so…I think he was worried about us?”

He had a funny way of showing it.

“I wish he’d worry less.” Especially if he wasn’t going to be helpful. “Brady said Daddies are supposed to make their little’s lives easier. Are Doms the same way? Can we make it Bates’s responsibility to handle Jude?”

“Yes.” Cash didn’t even have to think. He was so smart. “The internet completely agreed on that. No question about it. If we want Bates to handle Jude, we just have to tell him.”

Thank God.

“Let’s tell him tomorrow.” Because just walking in the door shouldn’t be exhausting. “First thing.”

Cash nodded against me, resting his head on my shoulder. “First thing.”

“Somehow Brady thinks Jude is hot.” That was just so weird.

Almost giggling, Cash shook his head as he pulled me closer. “I don’t get it either. Bates is…he’s just happy and funny.”

“And he’s really confident and he just knows things.” Leaning my head back against Cash’s, I closed my eyes. “He’s also got good ideas even if he’s going to make me wait for a spanking.”

“He wanted you to think overnight, drama queen.” Cash didn’t try to hide his snickers that time. “He didn’t say you had to wait weeks.”

“I still think he’s doing it just because he likes to control things. You said they liked control.” I really should’ve been paying more attention when Cash had been rambling about Doms. “He even gave us homework. That’s a lot of control.”

Cash couldn’t seem to decide if he wanted to laugh or groan. “He’s going to ask if we…if we did our homework tomorrow.”

