Lethal Vows Read Online T.L. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 78236 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 391(@200wpm)___ 313(@250wpm)___ 261(@300wpm)

Fuck, that feels good.

I grab her hair, and she swats my hand away, but she stays where she is, her head bobbing up and down, up and down, taking me deep. I tip my head back and close my eyes as a groan leaves me at the overwhelming feeling. At the sound, she pulls away. When I open my eyes, I find her standing, wiping her lips with the back of her hand before she walks to her closet. She grabs a maxi dress, slips it on, and grins mischievously as she walks out the door.

“Finish yourself off. Because when you leave, I am going to do exactly that for myself.”

Like hell, she will.



My mother smiles when she sees me. She stands from her place on a stool at the counter and opens her arms to gather me into a hug. I’ve always felt awkward hugging my own mother. I never really understood why until recently. It feels incredibly forced like she does it because she thinks I want it. I’m unsure where she got that idea from, but I never turn her down. I won’t push her away, either.

We are two very different women. The only thing we are similar in is how calculating we are. If there is one thing in this life that my mother is good at, it is manipulating people to do exactly what she wants. In contrast, I am an expert at manipulating the truth in a courtroom to get others to believe that my clients are innocent. I never really put it together until I saw her in action at work one day. She was complaining about the cost of an item but then proceeded to sell it to someone else as if she hadn’t spent ten minutes badmouthing it and telling me it absolutely was not worth the price. However, when a client walked in front of her, her mask was on, and she had that item sold within five minutes.

“That was quite an entrance,” she says bluntly. I didn’t really think she would sugarcoat it anyway.

My mother lives alone, so she has the opportunity to see multiple men. Her apartment is expensive and lavishly decorated, and I always wondered where she got the money to pay for it. The thing about my mother is she has a taste for rich men. And it’s served her well.

What she never wanted was a child. But when she was with my father, it was all he ever wanted. So, in exchange for a healthy prenup when they got married, if she could supply him with a child, in the terms of the divorce, my father would keep the child, and she would be paid thousands of dollars every month. I only discovered this later in life. If I knew this when I was sixteen and chose to live with her, I probably would never have done it. Funny how little truths like that can make a difference.

“Are you two an item?” Mother asks.

I pull away and go to the refrigerator to grab a juice, replying, “No.”

“Yes,” comes from the other side of the room. Crue walks in, fully dressed, and passes my mother to stand beside me. “I’ll be back. I have some work to take care of.” He leans down to kiss me, and I pull away. He merely smirks before he kisses my forehead. “I’ll bring dinner.”

“Don’t come back,” I call after him. “I paid him for sex, and he thinks he can come and go as he pleases. Really, these prostitutes have no clue,” I say, making him pause on his way to the door.

He turns slightly to look over his shoulder at me. “I’ll expect payment later.” His words are sharp, and I can’t tell if he’s pissed or amused. He nods to my mother, and then he’s gone. I hear the door shut and then lock, and immediately I want to know how that man got a key to my apartment in the first place.

I look up to find my mother studying me. She stares at me with amusement before grabbing and checking her phone.

“Is he one of your father’s men?” she asks.

“No.” I shake my head. “Why would you say that?”

“Because he has the same energy. What do you kids call it these days? Oh yes, that’s right, big dick energy. Well, that saying is true physically and mentally.” She waves her hand in front of her face.

“Oh my God, you did not just refer to his penis.”

“Please, kid, your mother gets more penis than you do.”

“So, not something I want to know about.”

She smirks, putting her phone back down.

“I ask because I want you to know that world is dangerous.”

“Do you care?” I ask. “I mean no disrespect… but you left me in that world, and I know it better than you do.”

