Muff – MC Sinners Read Online Bella Jewel

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 60852 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 304(@200wpm)___ 243(@250wpm)___ 203(@300wpm)

He shoves me back, then his fist connects with my jaw, sending my head whipping to the side. A feral growl leaves my lips as I throw myself at him, but Cade stops me by stepping between the two of us. Blood drips from my mouth as I glare at the man who took me in, who believed in me, who made me who I am.

That doesn’t mean him keeping this from me doesn’t fucking burn.

“Enough,” Cade barks. “Not here. Not now. You two fuckin’ stop.”

“You want to be angry at me,” Spike spits, his fists clenched as his chest rises and falls with rage, “but the only person you should be fuckin’ angry at is yourself. You were the one who pushed her to keep this from you.”

“Fuck you,” I snap, baring my teeth as I shove at Cade to move, but he stands strong.

“Can’t handle the truth, Brian?” Spike thunders. “But the truth is you fuckin’ destroyed that woman, and you let her think she was worth nothin’ and now she’s in trouble and that is on you. If somethin’ happens to her, it’s on you. You’re a fuckin’ dog for what you did to her.”

His words hit me hard, and I reel back, panting, completely shocked.

“You didn’t care to fuckin’ tell me all of this when I asked for help,” I hiss, my voice shaking.

“You had to figure this one out on your own, but you don’t get to turn it around on everyone else when your actions come back and bite you in the fuckin’ ass.”

“That’s enough,” Cade growls, shoving his hand into Spike’s chest. Spike gives him a look so vile it would have most men backing away, but not Cade. He holds his gaze with a determination of his own, not moving a single muscle. “We’re goin’ to look for Janine, and you two fuck wits can sort your shit out when we find her. We’re wastin’ time. Spike, you go that way, get Jackson and start lookin’. Muff, you’re comin’ with me.”

Spike’s lips form a tight line, but he nods and then turns, walking out of the room. Cade watches him go, then turns to me, his expression hard. “We need to figure out if she met up with Wesley. If she did, she’s in trouble.”

“How the fuck are we goin’ to do that?” I mutter, my chest tense as I struggle to take a single calm breath.

“We took that safe but didn’t change the codes. She knew where it was, and how to get into it. Didn’t think we’d have an issue.”

“So where is it?”


Turning, I walk toward the shed by the main house without looking back. Nobody dares go into it unless they’re part of the club, not even the old ladies unless it’s an emergency. If Janine came in here, she would have needed to do it when nobody was around. She’s my old lady, she has access to the club when we’re not here, they all do, because we trust them.

Unlocking the shed, Cade walks in and over to the safe that is in the back corner. He goes to the office, unlocks it, and brings out a key, shoving it in the safe before opening it up. First thing I see is a fuck load of cash, and my eyes widen as Cade shoves it aside and then curses loudly. “She must have had a spare key for this safe. The weapons and diamonds are gone, but she left the cash. She’s meeting Wesley.”


This is bad.

This could get her killed.

All because of me.

What the fuck have I done?

15 – Janine


I should have thought this through.

Certain I knew what I was doing, I made a big fucking mistake. I snuck into the club when the members were out on a charity ride, and, using my spare key, I got into the safe and took out the weapons and diamonds before telling Wesley I’d meet up with him. I figured if I just gave those back to him and told him that’s all I had, he might believe it and take the items, while at the same time taking the danger with him.

I was so very wrong.

I thought I could keep the money, still give Ebony and Max a future, but get rid of Wesley while I was at it, and whatever shit he brought with him. So, I called him and told him I had found some things and that I would meet him. Once I arrived, I handed everything but the cash over, telling him that was all I found, but he quickly figured it out. He knew I was lying, and without giving me a chance to talk my way out of it, he had me at gunpoint, throwing me in the back of a van before speeding off.

