My Dad’s Business Partner Read Online Cassandra Dee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 32
Estimated words: 30802 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 154(@200wpm)___ 123(@250wpm)___ 103(@300wpm)

I choke on my steak when Brent uses the term “hands-on.” I chug my water and croak out, “I’m fine, I’m fine, thanks.”

“Wrong pipe?”

“Something like that.”

My dad nods and take another bite of his steak.

“So what’s Gray got you doing? Which projects are you working on?”

I do everything in my power not to say, “Blowjobs in the copy room.” Instead, I smile and say, “Oh, come on, Dad, you know the glamorous life of an intern. Nothing important.”

Brent laughs, but then a touch of concern comes into his voice. “Is he riding you too hard? Gray isn’t exactly known for being a slacker.”

I almost choke again and take a quick sip of my water to buy time.

“No, no, work is fine, Dad. Besides, my internship will be over soon and I’ll be going back to school. It’s nothing to worry about.”

Brent smiles and nods.

“Good. I’m glad, sweetheart. I know I should have spent more time at home this summer, but I’m happy to hear it’s all worked out. Anything else to report?”

I realize he’s trying to connect with me, and I think I should let him in, even if I’m feeding him little white lies. “I’m doing great, I swear. I’m just doing office stuff, like filing and some data entry. Soon, I’ll be back in class, and it’ll be hectic, but I’ll figure it out. Thank you for worrying about me.”

He nods and goes back to his steak. “So, have you heard from Edward lately?”

I squint.


“That guy you were seeing.”

I ask, “You mean Everly?”

He makes a little bit of a face and apologizes. “Yeah, sorry. That guy.”

I sigh.

“God, I haven’t thought about him in months. What makes you ask?”

Dad looks guilty about something.

“Okay, don’t tell Gray I told you, but he said he thinks you’re seeing someone and that you seem really happy. I was worried you might have gone back to that guy, even if he was ridiculous.”

I giggle.

“You don’t need to worry about Everly, Dad. That’s never happening, not now and not ever. He’s just a kid.” I almost laugh at the mental comparison between my ex and Gray. “Everly is harmless.”

My dad sits back, satisfied.

“So, are seeing anyone?”

I smile. “You’ve never asked about that sort of thing before.”

“Sorry, I don’t mean to pry. I just like knowing you’re happy, sweetheart. I care about my daughter.”

I chuckle.

“I am happy. Work is good, school is about to start, and I have great friends. Which reminds me, I’m supposed to call Jane.”

Brent starts a bit, but then settles back into his chair like nothing’s wrong.

“I knew Gray would take care of you. He’s a great guy, and a loyal friend.”

“He really is,” I nod, even if I freeze at the word “loyal.” If only Dad knew…but then, I realize I have an opportunity in front of me. “Dad, what can you tell me about Gray? When he was younger, I mean. I’ve known him for so long, but I actually don’t really know much. You must have a lot of stories.”

Brent smiles at the memories and picks up his fork.

“Well, since you ask …”

“Hi sweetheart,” Gray murmurs in my ear. The club is loud, and as a result, he has to press himself close to me to be heard.

I shiver whenever he uses an endearment.

“Hello, Gray.” I sip my second Long Island. I’ve got a nice buzz going to calm my nerves.

“Care to dance?”

“Can you dance in that?” I gesture to the crowded dance floor. It’s full of students here to shake off their nerves before the new semester starts. Gray wanted a taste of my world since we spend so much time in his, so he’s accompanied me to an early preview week at Colorado State. I didn’t want to bring him here because I was afraid it would highlight our differences instead of bringing us closer together, but he insisted.

“Try me and find out,” he puts his arm out for me, and I follow his lead. He holds me closely and I relax. He moves well, and I’m pleasantly surprised to discover something new about my guy. His cologne is woody, a cedar with spices, and I inhale deeply, letting the aroma calm me. I can easily pick it out of the crowd of Axe body spray, and I love the way he smells.

Then he turns me in his arms and grinds against my backside, pulling my hips so I’m pinned to him. I can feel his hard-on press against my ass and giggle a little. We slow to a stop on the dance floor before he walks me to a dark corner, his large hand in the small of my back.

The crowd doesn’t seem to notice us or Gray’s hand sliding between my thighs under my dress. I gasp, but he holds a finger up to his lips to shush me. I bite my lip to stop from moaning out loud, not that anyone would have heard me over the music.

