One Cold Night (Prince Brothers #1) Read Online Aliyah Burke

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Prince Brothers Series by Aliyah Burke

Total pages in book: 60
Estimated words: 56782 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 284(@200wpm)___ 227(@250wpm)___ 189(@300wpm)

“I hate laundry.” After it had been set for the next load, she put the folded attire in the basket and walked to her bedroom where she put it all away. Handing the basket to Argo, she smiled at him as he carried it for her back to the laundry room for her.

“Good boy,” she praised him, taking the item from him and replacing it back atop the slim table she had for folding.

The moment she allowed it to hit, Argo’s head swiveled around, ears focused toward the sound. Seconds later, the barking came from all four. A hairsbreadth from that and the doorbell chimed.

They always know. She patted him on the head. “Come on, boy, let’s go see who’s here. It should be Daniel to pick up the books, but given as I left the gate open, who knows.” The other three were at the door waiting. Stilling them with a hand signal, she opened the door with a smile.

“Evening, Daniel,” she said.

“Leena. Sorry to be here so late to get the books, but this was the only free time I had.”

She waved him in, closing out the winter twilight behind him. “It’s okay, despite getting in early this morning, the dogs weren’t about to let me take a nap, so you’re fine.” She gestured to the three boxes near the door. “That’s what I have for the moment, I have another two cases to go through, so I may have some more.”

He petted the dogs before moving to the stacked boxes. “I can’t tell you how this is going to make the residents happy.”

“Not a problem, I’m glad I could help out. I haven’t read any of them in a long time so they may as well go to someone who can use them more than I.” She looked at him and took in the grayed mustache on his lean face. “Can I get you some coffee and maybe a slice of pie or something of the sort?”

His grin had her turning on her heels.

“You know how to make my day.”

“I figure if you’re out this late, then you deserve something. Have a seat.” She got him a mug of coffee and left him to fix it as she rooted around for the pie slicer to cut him a piece from the chocolate pie, she’d taken from the freezer this morning upon her return.

Once he’d been taken care of, she prepped the same for her and joined him at her dining room table. They ate and spoke about family, her competition, and a few other things. When the pie had been consumed, they both rose, and she put the dishes in the sink.

“Let me help you take them out to your car.”

“Again, I appreciate this, Leena.”

She handed him the top box, opened the door, then went back for the final two. “No need to thank me. I’m glad I could help out.”

They carried the items to the trunk of his Subaru and after she placed hers down, he lowered the hatch. He gripped her arm and smiled.

“You are wonderful. Thank you and I’ll see you soon.”

She walked him to the driver’s door. “Yes, soon. I will be in shortly. I’ve got a few speaking engagements coming up and a couple other competitions but after that, I’ll be back more and will be able to do more visits.”

“They miss you for sure.”

“I miss them, too. Drive safely.” He climbed in and she shut the door.

She remained there until he’d driven off, only then did she return to the warmth of her house after she and Argo traveled down to close the gate. Argo trotted up to her, tail wagging and she patted him on the head. “Hey, boy, what say you and I start digging up something to eat?”

Together they walked to the kitchen where she pulled out a premade frozen dinner. Placing it on the counter, she turned on the oven, then fixed herself something to drink. A beep had her going to a small television monitor in the wall. She had them installed in every room of the house.

She narrowed her eyes at the image. Black SUV. At her side, as usual, Argo read her perfectly. He couldn’t make sense of what she saw all he knew was she was upset. And he was ready to defend her.

Leena remained still as she stared at the image. The two men stepped out and looked around before getting back in. Only when they backed out did she breathe easier. While the alert hit anyone, who pulled into her drive, there was enough room before the gate that someone could use it to turn around if needed.

“This has something to do with our mysterious visitor, boy. I’d stake my life on it. Or rather his.”

Argo chuffed softly beside her. She walked back to her drink and drained the glass before refilling the mug with water. She didn’t like her life disrupted.

