Playing to Win (Billionaire Playboys #5) Read Online Tory Baker

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Insta-Love Tags Authors: Series: Billionaire Playboys Series by Tory Baker

Total pages in book: 39
Estimated words: 36026 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 180(@200wpm)___ 144(@250wpm)___ 120(@300wpm)

“You won’t get anywhere with that one. She’s an ice princess.” I’m almost toward the stairwell when a man talks at me, not to me but at me. I look at the man who must be talking about Danica. Disgust rolls through me.

“And you know this how?” I ask. The man is propped up outside of his own door, greasy hair, unshaven beard, too-tight shirt that has his stomach sticking out showing more than is appropriate with his unbuttoned jeans.

“Been watching her a lotta years. She’s good, real fine, but never lets anyone near her snatch.” His crooked teeth appear, yellowed from years of smoking. My anger ratchets up, and I’m ready to cold cock the motherfucker, if it weren’t for the fact of Danica finding out. Plus, this damn possibility of a bank merger. While knowing it feels fucking good to use my fists, I also know where to hurt a man worse—his pride, his money, and his self-worth. The one problem with the man in front of me is that he more than likely has none of that.

“What’s your name?”

“Brian, the landlord. You?” I take a step forward, allowing him to see who is going to tear him apart bit by bit.

“Theo,” I say, “Theo Goldman, and I’ll be seeing you around.” The lightbulb goes off in Old Brian’s head, and I leave him perched up against his doorframe. I’m done playing. Danica will spend her last night in this damn building where a man resides who leers at a woman in a way that has me adding another item to my long-as-hell to-do list.

I pull my phone out of my pocket, hit the code to unlock it, and scroll through my contacts as I make my way down the stairs, double-timing my pace. “Are you calling to bust my balls again?” is how Sly answers the phone. I was going to make the phone call myself to our security firm but figured this would be easier than staying on the phone for most of my evening. Besides, Sylvester is on a permanent retainer. It’s only fair to put him to work.

“Everyone is talking about someone’s balls today. Jesus, it’s like people are obsessed with them or something,” I respond, a grin tipping my lips. There’s only one woman I want around my cock.

“Man, you know as well as I do that well will dry up eventually. One day, you’ll settle your ass down,” Sylvester grunts into the phone. I hear Fawn in the background telling him to stay out of my personal life. I love that woman, in a sisterly way, of course, and I’d never say those three words to Sly’s woman. The man is ass over elbows for her.

“I need you to do something. I’m at an apartment building on the corner of Amelia and West 304th Street. Buy it. I don’t care what it takes, make the purchase yesterday. Then work on updating the building, and get the landlord out of there, too. I don’t care if you have to rough him up, send him to fucking Neptune.” I can hear Sylvester on the other end of the line, typing away, probably pulling up a website that gives him all the details I’m leaving out.

“There are only two reasons you’d be calling me after six o’clock at night and making me rough someone up. Either they fucked with your family, or you’ve finally got your eyes on one woman, the woman you claimed never to want.” Sly takes a breath. “We both know your family can handle themselves, which means, brother, you’re fucking sunk.” He laughs over the phone, eating this shit up. I let him have at it, knowing he’ll be calling the rest of our friends and I’ll either get a phone call from each and every one of them or a group phone call.

“Yeah, well, if you can shut your trap long enough, I’ll tell you all about her.” What I don’t ask him to do is run a background check. If Danica is working for Mallory, I know she’s been through the process. The only reason I had an issue with the last one was because the woman wanted more hours, more houses to clean, and Mallory told her no. Sticky fingers ensued, and she got caught and became jobless.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tell me what I need to know. Don’t think I’m not charging you double either. It’s after hours, and you’re taking my time away from Fawn.” I hurriedly give him the information as I walk out of the building, head to my car to sit and fucking wait for Danica. I’ll be the one giving her a ride to her college classes, and I’ll be the one bringing her home to repeat the process we just went through.



My phone call to Sylvester lasted until I made it to my car. Danica’s worry about it wasn’t necessary after all, unlucky for her and lucky for me. I wasn’t worried too much. If the car was stolen or sitting on jacks with the tires off, I could easily call for a car to pick me up. Four Brothers has a slew of amenities on speed dial—hired drivers, a private jet at the ready, and houses around the country we can easily use at our disposal.

