Pregnant by the Joc Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 32
Estimated words: 29224 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 146(@200wpm)___ 117(@250wpm)___ 97(@300wpm)

“Shit dad. What are you doing at home?” Normally after a game he goes into the station for a few hours on account of all the craziness afterwards. He moves and starts walking towards me.

“I thought it was best I come here in case you decided to do something stupid.” He definitely knows me.

“So you stayed home to make sure I don’t fucking kill that bitch with my bare hands?” I growl at him running my hands through my hair.

“Yeah. Something like that.”

“So what, am I supposed to act like it didn’t happen? Pretend she didn't almost cost me my life?” He moves closer and puts his hand on my shoulder.

“Look at me son, I was you at this age. I took one look at your mother, and I knew she was going to be my wife. Hell I did some underhanded shit to make it a reality. Some stuff she still doesn’t know to this day, but the one thing I NEVER did was anything that could get me taken away from her and leave her unprotected. Do you understand what I am saying to you?” Of course I understand but damn it, I can’t just do nothing. Can I?

“I get what you are saying to me but Ripley she…she’s my oxygen, dad. Hell, she is my happiness.” That still doesn’t seem like enough. “She is my rib, dad. And that baby is our joined heartbeat. Knowing someone put either of them in danger is settling like cement in my gut. It is hardening and turning into a rage I have never felt before. If I don't do something it is going to live inside of me and then what?” He seems to take a moment to think and then he asks me the one thing he knows would calm me down.

“What does Ripley want you to do?” Damn. How the hell does he know she begged me to let it go?

“She wants me to do nothing.” Saying it feels like something bitter on my tongue.

“Well there you go. Are you telling me you are going to go against her wishes?” The old man is serving me right now, with all the guilt.

“No, of course not.” He nods like he just won.

“Good. Now, I suggest you get out all of your ire before coming back in and then let it rest son. A few more months and both of you will be done with this school and all the assholes in it.” I nod my head not saying anything else. I don’t want him to read my intentions.

“You’re right, dad.” He pulls me into a hug before heading inside. The entire time he was talking I was thinking about another avenue. He just said I can’t do anything myself. He didn’t say I couldn’t orchestrate something, did he?

When I am sure he is no longer within earshot, I pull my phone out of my pocket and call Cori. “Big man, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Asshole. He has been on my back lately about not hanging out with him since I got Ripley. I hear him you know, but unless he finds his mate he will never understand the incessant need to insert himself in her, and around anything having to do with her as much as possible.

“Shut up asshole.” I growl at him not having the patience for this. He could care less. He chuckles.

“You take a break from stalking and playing with your toy?”

“Shut the fuck up, Cori. I called you for a favor but now I just want to snap your damn neck.” Growling, I hang up the phone pissed off more than I was. My phone buzzes in my hand and I see it is him calling back. I almost don’t answer but because this is for my woman, I will put up with anything. “What!”

“Hey man I’m sorry. Just a little salty right now. You found your woman and I am not knocking that, but you forgot about your buddy from kindergarten, ya know?” Well shit when he puts it like that.

“Yea I’m sorry, bro. I wish I could explain it to you, but there are no words for what I feel for her.”

“I can think of something. Edward and Bella or Jacob and Renesme.” He starts laughing and it makes me smile. Leave it up to him to equate it to Twilight. He is the only dude I know not ashamed to admit he loves that damn series. He, however, was team Jacob. Dumb ass.

“If that helps you understand then sure bro. Now seriously I need a favor.”

“That’s what I gathered. I assume this has to do with what happened at the game.”

“You got it.”

“Man, I am sorry about that. How’s Ripley? I guess I should be asking about the baby no one knew about too.”

