Rage – Dating a Demigod Read Online Jayda Marx

Categories Genre: M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 21
Estimated words: 19017 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 95(@200wpm)___ 76(@250wpm)___ 63(@300wpm)

Ares placed his hands on Sloan's head and I hurried to his side, ready to shove them right off, but paused when I realized that Sloan's injuries were quickly resolving. His jaw snapped back into place, his blood retreated, and all swelling subsided. His father healed him.

“Be that as it may,” Ares continued, “This is not the place for you.”

“Why not?” I demanded. “Just because he didn't last in this stupid fight? You stacked it against him because you refused to give him the powers he earned.”

“I demand total dedication to training and battle,” he replied, though he was looking at Sloan. “I will accept nothing less from my children and subjects. Is that the life you choose?”

I expected Sloan to agree, and to argue for his rightful place; it was everything he'd spent his life preparing for, but he surprised me by answering, “No. I've devoted my entire life up to this point to fighting, but I am not fulfilled. I've lived with the fear of failure. I've lived with guilt from hurting men I didn't even know. I thought that would change when I arrived here, that it would all be worth it, but my heart isn't in it. I ask that you don't take my shortcomings out on Christos; he is an exceptional man and trainer. He deserves a place here.”

Ares turned his attention to Christos. “And what is your choice?”

“I've always been by Sloan's side, and that is where I choose to stay. He is an exceptional man as well.” He looked over at me with a smile. “And so is his mate.”

“You have surprised me, indeed,” Ares told me. “You make a fine match for my son.” Sloan stood proud and tall. I assumed it was the nicest thing his father had ever said. “You two will share a good life, but not in my kingdom.”

“You're not going to wipe our memories, are you?” I asked in a panic. I couldn't stand the thought of Sloan forgetting me. Our souls were bound, so surely we'd find one another again, but I didn’t want to take the risk.

“In this case, that's not necessary,” he replied, and relief washed over me. “Within the human world, your powers aren't necessary either, so I won't be granting them to you,” he informed Sloan.

“That's not fair,” I spat. “His powers are his birthright.”

“They are mine to give,” he replied, unyielding. “I have the final say.”

I hated it, but there was nothing I could do. I couldn't go up against a god. I slid my hand around Sloan’s elbow, since his glove covered his fingers. “I'm so sorry.”

“I've got you, sweet Lyric. That's all I need.” He leaned down to kiss me, earning an unimpressed glare from Ares.

“Yes, well, about that…” I clenched my fist. If Ares tried to mess with our bond, I'd find a way to go against him or die trying. “Fate has dominion over mate bonds, and promises the pairs eternal love. I am bound to grant your immortality to fulfill that promise.” He waved his hand over the three of us, and I only had his word that it had been granted, since I felt no difference except gratitude, knowing I would spend an unending life with Sloan.

“Thank you,” my mate told his father with a bow of his head.

Ares didn't respond. He only gripped the pendant from around Sloan’s neck, breaking the rope that held it. “Leave this place now, and go live your life. We will not meet again.” He snapped his fingers and a large black cloud appeared before us. Before we stepped through, Ares asked the crowd, “Who shall fight Alexander? He deserves a worthy opponent.” Every hand raised.

Sloan, Christos, and I entered the cloud, and found ourselves back in Christos’ apartment.

“Are you okay?” I asked Sloan once the mist disappeared. He'd just been turned away by his father for the second time. He would no longer be welcome in his true home. He didn't have the powers he'd worked so long for.

But still, he smiled. “I'm wonderful. I'm no longer living for someone else's purpose. We are free to enjoy the lives we choose. I will forever have my mate and best friend by my side. Sweet Lyric, this is only the beginning for us. The best is yet to come.”


6 Months Later


“You're right,” Christos whispered in my ear, “He's fantastic.”

We were sitting in the Grand Theater, where Lyric was onstage performing in the musical Beauty and the Beast as the character LeFou.

After we returned from Olympus, Lyric and I discussed our dreams, and what we wanted from life. I knew what I didn't want, which was to continue fighting. So, I hung up my boxing gloves after an undefeated Earthly career.

Lyric's dream was to perform in musical theater, although he was apprehensive. His mother had planted a seed of doubt in his mind, which had taken hold and sprouted all his life. But with my encouragement and praise, he tried out for a local touring musical company, and of course they signed him immediately. They would be fools to pass on his incredible talent.

