Reservations Read online Kindle Alexander

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 164
Estimated words: 152931 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 765(@200wpm)___ 612(@250wpm)___ 510(@300wpm)

“I must have been mentally ill. I would never have let a toned body like that slip past my radar.”

Levi grinned at the outrageous appraisal and stepped behind the counter, heading toward the register. “It’s good to see you.”

“You too. How’s your dad?”

The words draped him like a wet blanket weighing heavily on his shoulders. Levi’s smile instantly faded.

“My dad didn’t make it.”

“I’m sorry. I was afraid of that. You have two brothers, correct?”

“I took guardianship of them.” Levi nodded once and let his thoughts linger there a moment. Since his father died, Logan, his middle brother, rarely smiled, but Luke seemed the bigger problem. He rarely came out of his bedroom. He didn’t engage with the family at all. Nothing Levi did seemed to get through to him, and honestly, he was at a loss. He didn’t know how to fill the void his father’s death had left.

“I thought that might be the case.” Julian’s face softened as they stared at one another. “Okay, forget I asked. What’s the most popular drink you offer?”

Thankful for the change in subject, he let Julian take his mind off his family. “Café au lait followed closely by any iced coffee.”

“Well then, let me try the café au lait, and I’ll also get an iced cinnamon almond milk macchiato. Extra cinnamon,” Julian said as he lifted his gaze to the menu board hanging behind the register.

“Sure thing.” Levi went straight to work on the drinks. As he worked the espresso machine and waited for the big silver contraption to create its magic, he asked, “What are you doing now?”

“I’m heading up personnel at a new Dishology, Inc. restaurant and club in Coronado. It’s called Reservations.”

Levi started to dump the espresso shots in the glass, but paused, directing his focus toward Julian.

“You really got out of the business?” he asked, surprised only because of the way Julian had gone on and on about the money, trips, and gifts.

“I told you back then that that was the plan,” Julian said, leaning a hip on the counter as he regarded Levi. Levi was impressed. Not too many people could just give up that kind of cash so easily.

“That’s really good. The counseling went well?” he asked, going back to mixing the drinks. When Julian had started counseling, he’d switched to a different clinic, one with evening hours. Levi hadn’t seen him since.

“Painful. I’m still going, but you were right, Dr. Silva. It’s exactly what I needed.”

“Good.” Levi nodded. He hadn’t had high hopes for Julian’s counseling. The places they’d found within Julian’s budget weren’t the best quality, but clearly they seemed to have done wonders. Levi placed both drinks in front of Julian and punched in both orders before pushing total on the register. “Ten thirty-two.”

Julian had his wallet out, thumbing through the bills. Levi noticed the large amount of cash as he pulled out a ten and a one and laid it on the counter. When Levi started to make change, Julian stopped him. “Keep that and here.” Julian pulled out a hundred-dollar bill and held it out to him.

“What’s that for?” Levi asked, accepting the money, but not immediately sliding the cash in his pocket. Instead, he held the single bill awkwardly extended to Julian.

“It’s the real reason I stopped in tonight. I remembered you told me you worked here. I give you lots of credit for getting me back on my feet. I would have rewarded that at the time, but it wasn’t my money. Now it is,” he answered, tucking his wallet inside his back pocket. There was a moment of indecision on Levi’s part, but he could use the money. Desperately. He drew his hand back, tucking the cash in his front pocket.

“Thank you. I’m glad you’re doing great,” Levi replied.

Julian gathered the coffees with what appeared to be a pleased grin on his face. He didn’t turn into that outrageous larger-than-life guy like Levi had expected. Instead, Julian actually looked a little humbled as he took a couple of steps backward. Julian never broke eye contact and said nothing more as he turned toward the door.

“Take care, Julian.”

Julian used his butt to push open the door, but stopped midway through, narrowing his eyes as he looked back at Levi. Whatever he was thinking about made a gleam grow in his gaze. A curious smile lit his features as he walked back to the counter and returned both cups to the granite top.

“I can do one better than that hundred-buck tip. I’ll give you some evening work if you’re interested,” Julian said, and all Levi’s instincts had him instantly on guard. If he wanted to prostitute himself, he’d have his own hookups right in his neighborhood. Lord knew he’d been approached enough.

“I don’t know…” Levi said, trying not to offend his friend, but absolutely not interested in anything that had to do with that world.

