Roman (Men of the Falls #2) Read Online Melanie Moreland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Dark, Mafia, Suspense, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Men of the Falls Series by Melanie Moreland

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 93203 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 466(@200wpm)___ 373(@250wpm)___ 311(@300wpm)

I picked up the phone, punching in the direct extension. Gerry answered. “Silken Lace, how may I help you?”

“It’s Roman.”

“Hey, boss man. What can I do for you?”

“The lady with Vi.”

“Oh, the Snow White beauty with the eyes?”

“Yes, that one.”

“She yours?”

I didn’t want to explain, so I took the easy road. “Yes. Why isn’t she picking anything?”

His voice dropped. “I think she is too overwhelmed.”

“Overwhelmed? Women love to shop.”

“She glanced at one price tag and froze.”

“Fuck,” I swore. “I should have told Vi to tell her there was a discount.”

“She tried. I heard Snowy say it was still out of her reach.”

“She’s seen things she likes?”

“Without a doubt. Those eyes of hers give her away. My God, if I were straight, I’d be all over that.” He paused. “No disrespect, boss.”

“None taken.”

“Once the injuries from her car accident heal, she’ll be stunning. I called Claire in the spa. She has healing oils that will help with the bruising. They’re headed there next.”

“Good. Anything she looks at and likes, send up to my suite. On my account.”

“Got it.”

I hung up, watching the screen again. I zoomed in as close as I could, focusing on Effie. Gerry was right. Her eyes gave her away. Even on camera, I could see when she liked something, no matter whether she was shaking her head no.

A throat clearing made me glance up. Aldo was watching me with a grin.

“Done your stalking?”

“I’m not stalking.”

“You’ve been staring at her for five minutes straight.”

I was about to protest when Effie’s headshaking caught my eye again. I stood, buttoning my jacket.

Aldo didn’t say anything but stood with me. We headed to the elevator and got in. He began to hum, and I glared at him. “What is that tune?”

He shrugged, his eyes dancing. “Just something in my head.”

“It’s annoying.”

He kept doing it.

We got out in the lobby, heading to the boutique. Gerry and Curt saw me, both men smiling. Vi noticed me. Effie was carefully looking at the marked-down rack at the back, still nothing in her hands. I resisted rolling my eyes. I saw the pile at the counter, and I knew Vi had no issue buying all those clothes, knowing I would pick up the tab to say thank you for being with Effie.

Effie held up a purple shirt, and I stood behind her. “Pretty,” I observed. “Matches your eyes.”

She jumped, turning my way. I leaned close. “You need clothes, Little Tiger. I own this place. Everything you’re touching, I pay for, so pick anything you want. The price is for customers, not you.”

She frowned, starting to open her mouth. I did the strangest thing. I leaned forward and pressed my lips to hers to silence her. “Pick anything you want. No arguing.”

She looked as shocked as I was. I never kissed a woman, aside from my nonna’s cheek. It was too personal. Too intimate. But it felt natural to kiss Effie. Her lips were warm and soft under mine. Sweet—like her. I did it again as if to check and affirm the feeling I got when we kissed.

It felt the same.

“Please,” I said against her mouth. “Pick something.”

She blinked. “Okay.”

Then she looked around. “What are you doing here?”

“Oh. I’m on the way out. I wanted to make sure you’re okay. I’ll be back later.”

“I’m fine. Vi has stuff planned.”

“I bet she does.” I studied Effie. She looked a little pale. “Don’t overdo it.” I glanced at Vi, who was watching me with an indulgent smile and a gleam in her eyes. “She is still recovering. I don’t want her tired.”

“We’ll be done shortly. She can nap after lunch.”

I focused on Effie again. “Take it easy.” My eyes dropped to her mouth, and I bent, kissing her for a third time. “I’ll see you later, Little Tiger.”

She nodded.

I stopped at the register. “Anything she likes,” I stated again. “Got it?”

Gerry nodded, his eyes dancing. “Got it.”

In the private elevator, Aldo grinned, not saying a word as we headed to the garage. The door opened and we stepped out. “Where are we headed?”

“To the diner and to see Nonna. She called earlier and said she was lonely. I wanted to go see her and thought she’d enjoy seeing you too.”

“And the diner because?”

“She loved the bagels and wants some different types to try as well. And I want to look for something for Effie.”

“Your ‘little tiger’?”

“Fuck off,” I ordered, not understanding why his words made me smile.

We checked on the diner, and I was pleased to see everything was in order. I was surprised how many people came up to me asking about Effie. She was obviously well-liked by staff and customers alike. The fact that they even approached me was a bit disconcerting, but perhaps they had no clue who I was. Normally, people avoided me like the plague.

