Running into Love Read online Aurora Rose Reynolds (Fluke My Life #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Drama, Funny, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Fluke My Life Series by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Total pages in book: 82
Estimated words: 77959 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 390(@200wpm)___ 312(@250wpm)___ 260(@300wpm)

Sitting on the corner of my desk when the bell rings, I study Tamara as she slips on her jacket and puts away her things. Today, like every day this week, she’s been quiet and withdrawn, whereas normally she’s outspoken and fully involved in class. I’m worried about her. Smiling at each kid as they leave the room, I look back at Tamara, who’s for once ready to go when everyone else is. “Tamara, can I speak to you for a minute?” I ask as she starts to pass in front of my desk; her eyes move to the clock on the wall before coming back to me.

“I have to be out front. My mom’s boyfriend is picking me up.” She swallows, looking nervous.

“It will just take a second,” I reassure her. There is no way that I will allow her to get into trouble by keeping her too long, but I need to make sure she’s okay before I can in good conscience let her leave for the day.

“Okay,” she agrees before turning to smile at Addie, one of her friends in class, as she passes.

“’Bye, Miss Reed.” Addie smiles.

“’Bye, Addie. Have a good day.” I know the girls in class talk to one another, so I have no doubt Tamara probably opened up to her friends about whatever’s going on. I just hope she will trust me enough to do the same with me.

Keeping my place perched on the edge of my desk, I look at Tamara as soon as the room is empty. “I noticed that you seem a little off this week. Is everything okay?”

Her immediate yes sets off warning bells, but I don’t let it show. I know better than to make it seem like I don’t believe her.

“If you ever want to talk to me about anything at all, I’m here, or if you would rather talk to Mrs. Jenkins, her door is always open,” I say, referring to the school counselor, whom all the kids love.

“I know.” She shrugs her shoulders, licking her bottom lip. “I’m fine.”

“Okay, honey,” I say softly, giving her a small smile. “Go on. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“’Bye, Miss Reed.”

“’Bye, Tamara.” I watch her go, wishing that I didn’t have to. My gut tells me that something is happening, but I also know that without her talking to me, there is nothing I can do to help her. With a helpless sigh, I stand up and gather my bags and coat, then head for the front office.

“Hey, Sammy,” I greet the principal’s receptionist as soon as I walk through the door; her head flies up, causing her unruly hair to fall in front of her face.

“Hi, Fawn.” She smiles, blowing her hair out of her eyes and looking completely rattled—then again, she always looks rattled.

“Is Mrs. Thompson available?”

“Yep, go on in.” She nods toward the door behind her with a smile, and I head across the office and open the door, finding Mrs. Thompson sitting behind her computer, looking as polished as ever in a dusty-blue suit with her dark hair pinned back away from her very pretty face.

“Hi, Miss Reed, how can I help you?” She smiles at me as I move into the room and take a seat across from her.

“I’m a little worried,” I admit, setting my bags on the ground next to my chair.

“Worried?” she asks, sitting back and resting her hands in her lap as she studies me.

“Yes, Tamara Albergastey hasn’t seemed like herself in class the last few days.”

“What do you mean?” she asks quietly.

“It may be nothing, but she hasn’t been participating in class like she normally does, and she’s seemed really withdrawn.” I rub my hands together, wishing I had something more to go on. “I asked her after class if she wanted to talk and if she was okay, but she said she was fine.”

“Oh dear.” She sits forward, resting her hands on her desk. “Have there been any changes at home that you are aware of?”

“Her mom has a new boyfriend and I don’t think they get along, but I don’t know that for sure.”

“Hmm.” She smiles a soft, sad smile knowing Tamara’s mother’s history better than I do, since she’s been one of her students for the last few years.

“I understand how difficult this situation is, but unfortunately there is nothing we can do about the men Tamara’s mother chooses to spend her time with.”

“I know,” I agree quietly.

“I will see if I can find out what’s going on, but in the meantime, keep your chin up. Your students adore you, and Tamara is likely to speak to you about what’s happening before anyone else.”

“Thank you.”

Studying me for a long moment, the principal’s eyes search mine, and her face softens. “You’re a great teacher, Fawn, and I know these kids mean a lot to you. It shows in your work and their grades. We’re lucky to have you here in this school, but those kids are also very lucky to have someone who cares about them and their futures. Please know that Tamara’s situation is one that you do not have a lot of control over, regardless of how badly you wish differently.”

