Savage A Second Chance at Love Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 57240 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 286(@200wpm)___ 229(@250wpm)___ 191(@300wpm)

“Hey Princess where would you like to go for lunch?” I took her handbag off her shoulder and helped her get seated before belting her in.

I stole a quick taste of her lips before closing the door and going around to the other side. “I’m starving, I only had coffee all day.” She gave me a look that said that it was my fault that she’d missed breakfast. I smirked at her before pulling out.

“Fine, we’ll have a big lunch.” Instead of steering clear of the places we were sure to run into someone I headed for the busiest spot I could think of.

“How about Mexican? If I remember correctly, that was always your favorite.”

“Still is.” She smiled fondly, probably remembering same as I, our many trips to feed her hunger for all things spicy. I took her hand and squeezed gently, just happy for this moment.

“Are you ready for this?” I indicated the people walking by outside.

She looked out the car window at the people going in and out of the restaurant.

This place was one of the more popular ones in town, so it was a good bet we were going to be seen.

“If you’re game, I am.” Her mouth said one thing but I know my baby, and she looked spooked. I squeezed her hand again before getting out and going around to her side to help her out.

The place was packed as usual for this time of day. I kept my hand in the small of her back as we walked to the door. We were barely inside before the first person hailed us.

“Hey fancy meeting you two here together.” Sandra Johnston was a very pregnant very nosy ex school friend whose eyes seemed glued to the hand I had on my girl’s back.

“Hi Sandra how’s it going?” I played it cool, like she and I walked into places together all the time. I could only imagine what was being said behind the many hands and menus that went up to cover mouths as I passed a slow gaze around the room.

“I’m coming along, and you. I haven’t seen you since…” She broke off and looked away embarrassedly. I guess it was going to be a while before people stopped being uncomfortable around me, or knowing how to talk to me about what had happened.

“Yeah, I’ve been busy. We’ll see you later they’re signaling us for our table.” No one was signaling shit but she bought it and said her goodbyes. Not before throwing my girl a wink behind my back.

I took her hand and walked through the restaurant to a table in the back, pretending not to notice all the whispers and stares.

“That bother you?” I indicated the roomful of people trying hard to pretend they weren’t focused on our table the fucking vultures, and she shook her head.

I didn’t forget that a lot of the people in this town had had a lot to say when we broke up. Granted they were kids like us back then, but I remember.

I also remember the assholes that had tried to go after her when the coast was clear. I’d have fucking killed her and them if she’d ever…

Damn it was like high school all over again. “You still like burritos I take it.” I took her hand in mine on the top of the table as we studied the menu.

“You mean, you’re actually going to let me order for myself?” Yeah that’s right, I always used to order for her. It had been so long since I’d done that I didn’t think she remembered.

It was one of those cute little things that other females found annoying, but she’d liked it. Said it made her feel special that I knew what she liked.

“No I got it.” I ordered the burritos supreme for both of us, and ice tea. “So, how has your day been?” I rubbed my thumb across her palm and looked into her eyes.

“I almost forgot how absolutely beautiful you are.” It’s true. She was and always will be the most beautiful woman in the world, and time hadn’t changed that.

“I’ve been cramped all morning. We’re working on a big merger right now and my bosses are driving me nuts.” She smiled as she said it so I knew it wasn’t a complaint.

“You love it.” I grinned at her, at the east with which we were having this very normal conversation.

“Yes, yes I do. It’s what I’ve always wanted, among other things.”

She gave me a pointed look that told me I wasn’t completely off the hook. But as long as I could be here like this with her I’ll take whatever she has to throw at me.

“Okay, okay, I’m guessing you didn’t say all you had to last night and this is not the place, so what say you and I tonight, after work, we hash it all out.”

