Savage A Second Chance at Love Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 57240 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 286(@200wpm)___ 229(@250wpm)___ 191(@300wpm)

I had it all in my little souped up home PC. Another little trick I’d learned from the girls and boys in tech. I dumped emails and phone calls making sure to get the dates straight so that when anyone looked they’d see just what I wanted them to.

I obsessed over getting everything just right before shutting it down and going up to bed. Tomorrow I had to be on my game. I was ready.

My phone went off as I was heading back up the stairs just as I knew it would. It had taken them a little longer but whatever. “Yo.”

“Sheridan, get your ass down here now we’ve got a situation.”

“You wanna tell me what?”

“No, just be here.” He hung up and I took the stairs two at a time. This time, I could wake her up.

“Babe, I gotta go in, wake up.” She fussed at me and rolled over, burying her face in my pillow. I kept after her until she peered over her shoulder at me.

“I got a call, don’t know how long I’ll be.” She wrapped her arms around my neck and held her mouth up for a kiss before rolling over and going back to sleep.

I grinned as I left the room and even managed a whistle as I made my way out to my ride.



“Cap, what the hell?” I led with anger as soon as I walked in. The place was a beehive of activity, and the asshole press was already swarming around outside like vultures. “What’s going on?”

“We’ve got a fucking mess on our hands is what.” He talked as he walked and I followed him into his office. “Close the door.” He dropped down in his chair after giving me that order and put his head in his hands.

He looked like he’d gone a couple rounds with a gorilla and the shit had only just started. It was gonna get a lot worst before it got better, but I couldn’t tell him that.

I stood in front of his desk waiting for him to tell me what was going on. “It was Rogers.” I gave him a quizzical look before taking the seat in front of his desk.

“The Savage guy, it was Rogers.”

“Come again?” I sat forward in my seat all ears. He nodded as if he was still coming to terms with it himself. “We caught him, red handed.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Tonight, we got a call. When patrol showed up they found Rogers in the old warehouse out on Decatur with Rossi. Rossi had his nuts and dick in his mouth, just like the others.”

“You’re not making any sense Cap, Rogers? Are you sure there isn’t some sort of mistake? Why would he do it?”

“I guess he got tired of waiting for the law to do its job and decided to take matters into his own hands. What a fucking mess. Did you see the asshole press out there with their shit?” He flung an arm out towards the window.

“I saw them when I came in, but I’m still not buying this. Rogers just doesn’t seem like the type.”

“You think you know a guy. They have him on the scene, we’re running ballistics on the gun patrol found there, I don’t know what else to tell you.”

“That brings me to my next question. Why am I here?”

“Because this is your case.”

“I’m not sure that would work Cap, Rogers was part of my team…”

“That was over a year ago, I already cleared it with the brass. You’re the best man we got for the case, you’re it. Get to work, I want to know what the hell went on here, how a good cop became this…this…whatever the fuck he is.” Oh you have no idea.

“I’ll get to work Cap but I gotta go on record as saying I don’t buy it.” I left his office and headed to mine. I already knew who I wanted working this with me and called them out as I walked through the bullpen.

Everyone stopped what they were doing as their eyes followed us. They will all have a lot of questions, all want to know what the hell was going on. It’s not everyday one of their own gets taken down and especially behind something like this.

I closed the door behind Rawlins and Simms. “I’ve just been handed the Rogers case. You two are with me. I don’t need to tell you we have to go over everything with a fine toothcomb. All eyes will be on us. He was one of us, so they’ll look for any screw-ups.”

“Why isn’t IAB handling this Lieu?”

“Don’t know don’t care. The brass seems to think we need to do our own internal investigation. I have no doubt IAB will be doing theirs. That means whatever we find we better be sure to keep it on the up and up. I know we all feel a certain loyalty to Rogers, but we have to do this by the book.” Shit almost burned a hole in my tongue.

