Savage A Second Chance at Love Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 57240 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 286(@200wpm)___ 229(@250wpm)___ 191(@300wpm)

“I quit.” I turned around as if to leave the room. I actually felt a weight lift off my shoulders.

Maybe this was for the best. It would certainly free me up to do what I had to without the interruption of work. But the shit was short lived. I barely made it to the door before he burst my damn bubble.

“Would you calm the hell down? What’s gotten into anyway? Ever since…” He broke off at the look I threw him and held his hands up as he backed away.

“Sorry that was out of line, but you’re the best guy we have and our city is under siege, we need you on this.”

Once those words would’ve meant something to me. It would’ve been to me an acknowledgement that the work I was doing actually meant something.

That the time I put in to make the city safer, time I’d taken away from being with my son, that that sacrifice was actually worth it. Now, I couldn’t give a fuck.

“No, as far as I’m concerned he’s doing us a favor. Those fuckers he took care of were nothing but plagues fuck ‘em.” I turned back to my desk and rifled through the papers there wishing he would get the fuck out already.

I wasn’t in to long drawn out conversations these days, not the way I used to be. I’d cut myself off from everyone else, using this place only as an information center.

I had more access to the info I needed here, than if I had walked out and tried doing it on my own. Will that change after I’d killed the motherfucker that was actually behind my family’s death? Who knows? For now the love I once had for the job was a dead cold thing that I never look too closely at.

I guess you can say in some ways I blame the job for the death of my son. Not the job itself, but the fact that I hadn’t been allowed to handle things the way I wanted to.

The fact that my superiors cared more about looking good in the press and not getting the stink of an outcry from the high dollar lawyers who represented the dregs of society on them, than they did about bringing down these assholes.

“What am I supposed to tell the chief and the commissioner?” Was he still here?

“I really don’t give a fuck what you tell them, other than that if they don’t let me do my job I’ll walk. Either way they’re gonna need someone else to clean up their mess.”

A little bit of the anger I’d been holding in check seeped through. I’ve been very good at keeping that shit under wraps, showing just enough as was expected from a man who’d just lost everything. No not everything but pretty damn close to it.

“Their mess? How do you figure?”

“How do I figure? If they weren’t playing fucking footsies with these fucks my family would still be alive as well as a whole slew of innocent people.” Was he really going to stand there and act surprised? Like he didn’t already know this shit?

“You think the public doesn’t know that Carlo’s money is what makes him untouchable by the law? That he sits down at the table with the fucking politicians and other bigwigs of this city? How the fuck do you think that looks? Now they want me to protect him?”

“Nobody’s asking you to protect the criminal element, and by the way there has never been any proof that Carlo Rossi is involved in organized crime…”

“Stop right there. Just because some slicked up lawyer got him off twice that does not pull the wool over anyone’s eyes. We all know he’s dirty as fuck and the answer is no. I hope he ends up hanging from his balls somewhere with his ass ripped the fuck out by a hedge saw.”

“Dammit Sheridan, you are supposed to uphold the law. This vigilante asshole is breaking every law there is and making us look bad in the process. The public is now singing his praises like he’s fucking superman or some shit, this needs to stop.”

That was as good a description as any I guess, though I had no need to be compared to the caped one. It didn’t matter to me that half of the city appreciated my efforts; I wasn’t doing it for them. This was for purely selfish reasons and that shit didn’t bother my ass one bit.

“Well, it won’t be me stopping him. If you do catch him tell him I said thanks.” I guess that was about as much as he could take for now because he turned and walked away shaking his head.



Oh the fucking irony. If this shit wasn’t so real I’d find it funny. Now they want their ‘best’ on the job. Where was that same fervor when I wanted to go after the ones who’d brought this about both barrels blazing?

