Sleight of Hand (Blackbridge Security #7) Read Online Marie James

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Blackbridge Security Series by Marie James

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 84627 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 423(@200wpm)___ 339(@250wpm)___ 282(@300wpm)

“They can,” Brooks agrees. “But sometimes discretion is needed.”

“Sometimes men are victims and are more comfortable around women,” Kit adds.

“Sometimes men are devious and are lying when they hire a company and plan to do harmful things.” I swallow after speaking those words. You aren’t in the business as long as I have been without being fooled once or twice.

“True,” Brooks quickly agrees. “We vet each and every one of our clients, something that has become even more tedious because of our growing popularity. It’s one of the reasons we need another IT specialist. It’s one of the reasons the list Deacon provided is the best of the best. We could easily hire anyone, but we need people with that sixth sense, that gut feeling people get when they first meet people that tells them whether they’re good or bad, and we need people that listen to that instinct.”

I nod in understanding.

“We want to help people, but we need people willing to help themselves as well,” Finnegan says.

“So, I must’ve been picked because I’m as much of a workaholic as you guys?” I give them all a wide smile as I meet each one of their eyes.

They all chuckle, the sound surrounding me easily. Kit goes back to cleaning the gun, the unease I felt earlier no longer making me want to run away. Finnegan starts digging around in the black box, what I realize now is filled with bits and pieces of nuts and bolts and various other mechanical parts. Brooks just sits and smiles, his eyes darting between the three of us.

“We’re not workaholics. We just haven’t managed to find a life yet,” Kit argues.

“Speak for yourself,” Finnegan huffs. “I’m avoiding whatever chaos is going on next door. I think the man is raising wild animals or something in his condo. It’s ruined my entire routine.”

A door down the hall closes, and all three of the guys look in that direction. I’m shocked to see Gaige walk into the room. Not one of these guys mentioned that he was here. The man looks just as shocked to see me as I am him. His eyes light up at the sight of me, and I feel it a little too much. Then they narrow at each one of his smiling friends.

“Ms. Redmond,” he says, as if he hasn’t had his mouth on my pussy.

“Mr. Ward,” I say in a way that says he never will again.

Brooks chuckles like he knows we’re both full of shit.

“What brings you into the office today?”

“Thought I’d try to get a little work done,” I answer.

“How’s that working out for you on the sofa?”

I roll my lips between my teeth when Finnegan gives a husky laugh.

“Oh don’t go, mo stoirín,” Finnegan says when I stand.

Gaige narrows his eyes at his friend.

“Deacon assured me I’d have office space available.”

“Right this way,” Gaige says, turning around without another word to his friends.

Their laughter follows us out of the room.

Gaige doesn’t lead me to a different office. He opens the door to his own.

“My own space,” I clarify before walking inside. “It’s in the contract.”

I can’t remember it word for word, so I’m grasping at straws.

“We’re kind of limited on space, Leighton. The couch is comfortable. I assure you. Plus, it’s Sunday, and you don’t get paid overtime for work you weren’t able to get done during the week. That is also in the contract.”

I huff, not exactly hating the idea of spending time around him now that I know the truth, but I won’t speak those words out loud. I settle in on the sofa, choosing the end that gives me the best view of him and pull my laptop out of my bag. I situate it on my lap rather than being uncomfortable bending over the table.

He walks across his office, that swagger he had the first night back in his step now that he isn’t limping from the damage I did from stomping on his foot a week ago. I manage to pull my eyes away from him just in time for him to turn around and take a seat in his office chair.

“Can we just move past all of this animosity and work together?” I ask without pulling my eyes from the computer screen. “Just forget about what happened and be professional?”

I look up. His jaw is ticking as he looks at me, the silence between us thick and heavy.

“Forget?” I nod. “You want me to just forget that I know what it feels like when you come on my cock? On my mouth? What my name sounds like when you whimper it? What your pussy tastes like? That’s impossible, Leighton.”

I blink, my ears not believing what I just heard.

“Are you going to work or not?” I swallow. “Because I have shit to do.”

