Spiral of Need Read Online Suzanne Wright (Mercury Pack #1)

Categories Genre: Action, Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Funny, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Mercury Pack Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 115
Estimated words: 108368 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 542(@200wpm)___ 433(@250wpm)___ 361(@300wpm)

She swallowed. “Because it was the right thing to do.”

“I didn’t deserve your help.”

“Oh, I know that.”

His mouth twitched into a smile. “Thank you for what you did.”

“Don’t thank me. It’s what I do.”

Apparently praise made his Seer feel uncomfortable. “I’m still grateful.”

Sitting upright, she threaded a hand through her hair. “How long was I out?”

“A little over three hours. You don’t seem surprised. Is that normal?”

“Only if the injuries I’ve healed are extensive.”

It was safe to say that third-degree burns counted as serious. “Do your eyes always turn white when you have a vision?” Although he’d met several Seers, he’d never been present while one had a vision.

“As far as I know, yeah.”

“I didn’t like seeing you like that. It was like you were somewhere else.” Like her soul had vacated her body, left it cold. His wolf had panicked. “Shaya died in the vision, didn’t she? You saved her.” Ally opened her mouth to speak, but then there was a familiar loud, rhythmic knock at the door that told him it was his Alpha male. “It’s Nick. You up for visitors?”

Ally shrugged. “Sure.” What she really wanted was to leave and get back to her lodge. She was feeling groggy and irritable, which wouldn’t make her good company for anyone. She watched as Derren opened the door, allowing Nick to enter, and then closed it on the faces grouped there. She was sure she’d seen Kent, Caleb, and Bracken—all of whom had been scowling at Derren.

Ally swung her legs off the bed to better sit up. Derren returned to her side, his stance oddly protective.

Nick noted it with a raised eyebrow before turning to Ally. “How do you feel?” His condemnation and annoyance seemed to have melted away, replaced by an appreciation that warmed her skin.


“From what the others told me, it sounds like you had a vision. Is that right?”

She nodded, barely managing to repress a shudder as the sight of Shaya’s dead body flashed in her mind.

“Can you tell me what you saw?”

“I saw exactly what happened out there. An explosion.”

“But you were all hurt pretty badly in the vision,” he assumed.

“She saved Shaya’s life,” said Derren, wanting his Alpha male and friend to fully appreciate and acknowledge just what he could have lost today if it hadn’t been for Ally.

Nick only briefly flicked his gaze to Derren. “I’m in your debt, Ally. And I won’t forget that.”

She would have told him that there was no debt, that she owed him for letting her stay with his pack temporarily. But he was already leaving, ushering the wolves that stood outside the door into moving along.

“Ready to go back to your own lodge?” asked Derren once they were alone again.

She closed her eyes, holding up a hand. “Stop.”


“Being nice. It’s weird.”

His mouth curved slightly. “You like me better when I’m a bastard?”

She pinned his gaze with hers. “I’m still a Seer, Derren. Yes, I healed you. And yes, I saved Shaya’s life. But I’m no different than I was before that happened.”

“I know.” Derren sighed. “Everything you said when we last talked . . . You were right. I’ve been shitty toward you, and it’s going to stop.”

“So you no longer hate me, just like that?” Doubt was heavy in her tone.

“I never hated you.” He squatted in front of her. “You can’t feel that something’s different?”

“You’re always hard to gauge.” Admittedly, though, the fleeting emotions she was sensing were predominantly appreciativeness, regret, and a strong protectiveness—all of which felt like the softest fur brushing against her.

“Then let me prove it. Don’t jerk away.” Derren traced the black shadow under her eye with his index finger. “Did that hurt?”

Shockingly . . . “No.” Not even a little. Quite the opposite, actually. It didn’t matter that the touch had been featherlight and far from seductive. The heat of his body had been like a brand on her flesh, making need begin to curdle low in her stomach. And she had to get out of there before he sensed it. She got to her feet . . . and then blushed when she realized he was now eye level with her crotch. Sensing he was about to tease her for what he could no doubt very easily scent, she bit out, “Don’t.”

Standing upright, he raised his hands. “I didn’t say anything.”

“You didn’t have to.” It was obvious he was stifling a smile. Silent but amused, he led her out of the room and along the landing to a flight of stairs. From there, Ally could hear multiple voices coming from downstairs—some of which were unfamiliar. It was clearly packed with people. How not grand.

“I know you probably want to go straight back to your lodge,” said Derren, “but these people are nosy fuckers, and they want to get a look at the person who saved Shaya’s life. Just come say hi, and then I’ll get you out of here.”

