Sunshine & Sammy (Vested Interest – ABC Corp #5) Read Online Melanie Moreland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Vested Interest - ABC Corp Series by Melanie Moreland

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 82671 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 413(@200wpm)___ 331(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

I wiped my mouth and sat back. “A ranch is like a well-run office. We have to look after the animals and the land. You don’t just put on a cowboy hat and saddle up. You learn growing up on a ranch or you take courses, or both.”

“You can take a course to become a cowboy?”

I laughed. She had a way of making me do that constantly with her techniques of asking questions. “We’re not really cowboys, Sammy. We’re ranch hands.”

She shook her head, tapping her notebook. “Nope. The brochure says cowboys.”

I had to chuckle again. “You can call us anything you want. But yes, you need knowledge to be one. You get it by education and/or hands-on learning. But we’re all hard workers. You don’t pull the line, you don’t stay. You can’t be a slacker and be a ranch hand. It simply doesn’t work. I pay fair wages, and I expect fair work. I make sure you’re looked after, so you look after what is important to me.”

“You run a tight ship—or a ranch, I suppose.”

“I have to. My animals are valuable. I need them cared for. They’re the priority—the lifeline of the ranch. That’s why it’s so important this idea of Rachel’s comes with rules.”

“Of course.” She reached over and grasped my hand. “I understand completely.”

I believed her reassurances. I looked down to where our hands were touching. Without thinking, I flipped mine over so I held hers. The skin was smooth and soft as I stroked my thumb on her wrist, where the flesh was pale and thin. Her pulse jumped, and I looked up, meeting her lovely eyes. I realized how close I had bent over the table, and I quickly released her hand and pulled back.

“I need some more of that casserole,” I muttered, taking my plate and heading to the stove. “After dinner, you can show me some of your plans.”

“Sure.” Her voice sounded breathless.

When I sat down, I purposely kicked my chair to the right, giving myself a little more space.

I needed the distance, and I refused to question the reason for it.


Luke disappeared briefly after supper, and I organized my files on the table. I hadn’t failed to notice his shifting his chair farther from me at dinner. I knew he was feeling the same strange draw to me as I was to him. I had no idea why he affected me so much. As soon as I saw him, the energy around me picked up. I became focused on him. His movements, the sound of his voice. The way he took command of a room when he walked in. The broadness of his shoulders, the power he exuded in his stance. He simply mesmerized me. I had never felt a draw to someone the way I did to Luke.

I had never felt the same amount of passion and desire when he kissed me earlier. Or been so aware of someone when he sat behind me on his horse. The urge to melt back against him, feel the heat and strength of his body molded to mine, had been intense. I was certain he felt the same sensations I was experiencing.

But he seemed determined to ignore it.

He returned, heading to the fireplace, and moments later, a cheerful blaze started. He situated the screen in front of the flames, wiping his hands, and returned to the table. “Supposed to get chilly tonight,” he explained. “Rain tomorrow.” He sat down. “You might want to rethink that little outfit you call pajamas and wear something decent…” He trailed off and cleared his throat. “I mean warm to bed.”

I ducked my head, trying not to laugh. He was affected. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

“How’s your head?” he snapped, obviously angry at himself.

“Fine.” I took pity on him. “Any more news from Rachel?”

“Tyler’s doing well. It’ll be a while before he recovers. I’m meeting with his brother tomorrow to see what he needs.”

“You’re going to help on his farm?”

“Of course. We help one another here. The Johnstone farm butts up to the eastern edge of my ranch. He’s my neighbor, friend, and soon-to-be brother-in-law. I get on well with his parents. I can send someone to help out while he’s off his feet. Make sure everything is running smoothly. He’d do the same for me.”

“You’re a good man, Luke Adler.”

He smiled and shrugged. “Enough of the compliments. Show me these ideas.”

I opened the first file. “Okay.”

A short while later, he shook his head. “You got all this done in a day? The plans, ideas, and sketches?”

“I had some done before I got here, based on the measurements Rachel sent me. I also had ideas, but I had to see the ranch for myself. I’ll do more exploring tomorrow and some filming, and then we can talk again.”

