Tempting Brooke Read online Kristen Proby (Big Sky #2.5)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Big Sky Series by Kristen Proby

Total pages in book: 28
Estimated words: 27438 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 137(@200wpm)___ 110(@250wpm)___ 91(@300wpm)

They flick down to my arms, then back up to my face.

I set my mug aside, then yank her to me, pinning her under me on her bed.

“Brody, my hair was done!”

“I give less than one fuck,” I reply as I bury my face in her neck and nibble her there, careful not to leave marks. “You’re too damn sexy for your own good.”

“We don’t have time for sex and food.”

“Sex it is, then.”

* * * *

“Oh, Brooke.” The bride’s eyes fill with tears as she takes her bouquet. “This is just so pretty.”

“Don’t cry, Kelly,” Brooke says, reaching in her pocket for a tissue. “Your makeup is perfect, and we can’t have it running down your face.”

“I’ve cried six times today,” she sniffs and then shakes her head and tries to laugh it off, blinking her eyes furiously. “Okay, I’m not crying. Thank you so much. Everything looks beautiful.”

“It’s going to be a gorgeous day,” Brooke promises her. “Micah’s bringing in the bridesmaids’ bouquets now. I’m going to head out to double and triple check everything and to help Maisey with your cake.”

“Oh, I can’t wait to see the cake,” Kelly says, getting excited.

“I can’t wait to taste the cake,” a bridesmaid chimes in, making us all laugh.

“You’re in for a treat,” Brooke replies and gives Kelly a careful hug. “Now, relax for a bit, and enjoy your day.”

“Thank you, Brooke. Really.”

“You’re welcome.” Brooke winks and then leads me back into the barn from the small house reserved for brides that shares the property. “It’s already so damn hot.”

“Here’s hoping the ceremony is a quick one,” I agree. “Do we stay for that?”

“No,” Brooke says. “We’re almost done. Once we help Maisey with the cake and I just make sure the flowers look perfect, we jet out of here. It’ll look like the flower fairies did their job.”

“You’re pretty incredible. You know that, right?”

She smiles, glances down, and her cheeks redden. She’s so fucking sweet. It’s no wonder that I’ve fallen for her this week. I’ve never known anyone like her, before or since she was in my life when we were kids.

We make our rounds of the tables, checking bouquets. She runs outside to take a look at Micah’s handiwork on the outdoor arrangements. And just when she’s finished, Maisey arrives with the cake.

I’m surprised to see that it’s in several boxes, laying flat in the very back of Maisey’s SUV.

“We have to move fast,” Maisey says. “This heat will make the cakes sweat, and that’s not pretty for photos. Be careful.”

“Jesus, they’re heavy.” I take the biggest tier and hurry inside the barn to the far corner where the cake table is set up. The two women are behind me, carrying the last two tiers.

Maisey works like a woman possessed, opening the boxes and getting the cake assembled perfectly.

“Do you have my flowers?” she asks Brooke.

“Yep, they’re in the fridge. I’ll be right back.”

Brooke sprints away, and as Maisey puts the finishing touches on the cake, she glances up at me. “How are you doing?”

“I’m great.”

She frowns, and glances to the doorway Brooke disappeared through, then lowers her voice. “I know you and my sister have something going on. I’m not stupid. I also think it’s pretty great, as long as you’re not a complete dick about it.”

I’m not exactly sure what to say, so I shove my hands in my pockets and frown at the woman who resembles her sister so closely. “Okay.”

“Do you plan to be a dick?”

“No, I can’t say that I do.”

“Good. See that you don’t.”

Brooke hurries back with a small bouquet of flowers that match the bride’s bouquet, and the two arrange the blooms on the cake. It looks random, but I know every placement is strategic.

“Our work here is done,” Maisey says with a proud smile. “It’s seriously gorgeous in here.”

“I know.” Brooke looks around, takes a deep breath, and I know in this very minute exactly what I’m going to do with my building.

“Do you want to take photos for your portfolios?” I ask.

“No, we’ll get professional photos from the photographer,” Brooke replies. “But thanks for thinking of it.”

“I’m not selling,” I announce, and two pairs of brown eyes fly to my face in shock.

“Really?” Brooke asks, practically jumping up and down.

“Really. Look, you’ve done what you set out to do. Brooke’s Blooms is essential to this community, and with Maisey taking the space next door, you can expand both of your operations. Besides, the building is a good investment. We both win.”

“I thought you wanted to cut all ties to Cunningham Falls,” Maisey says.

“I’ve reconsidered.”

They look at each other, high five, and then Maisey surprises the hell out of me by rushing at me, wrapping her arms around my neck, and laying a big, smacking kiss on my cheek.

Brooke follows suit, but her kiss lands square on my lips.

