Texas Hellion Read Online Book by Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 48
Estimated words: 43827 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 219(@200wpm)___ 175(@250wpm)___ 146(@300wpm)

One good thing about this idea of her daddy’s, it will bring her to me. I’m sure I can find a place to whisk her away while the festivities were going on. We needed to talk and I needed to get my hands on her one more time, needed to reassure myself that it wasn’t a fluke, that what I’ve been imagining the last couple of days was real. Okay that’s just an excuse. I have a sore dick and the fond memories of her riding that dick to convince me. I just wanted in her again in the worst damn way.

There was still a lot that we needed to work through, she was as hard headed as a two headed mule and I was sure she was going to hold my bad behavior against me. That’s why I needed to get in there and get things started. Brady had let it slip that already there were more than a few suitors sniffing around like vultures on carrion, but I’m afraid if she even looked at one of ‘em I’ll be the one with the gun next time.

It was amazing, but after having her under me, over me and any other way I could, it was damn near impossible to breathe without her. I know I said I’d give her time, but that didn’t seem like a good idea anymore either. After tonight we’ll see, either way there was no way I was going another night without being balls deep inside her, even if it meant climbing through her daddy’s window.


I must’ve checked the door six damn times before I caught myself. What the hell was I doing, acting like a high school kid at his first prom? Of course I wasn’t about to treat her the way I had all the others, but I wasn’t going to act like an ass either. Camille just has that affect on men I guess. She’s a throwback to a gentler time when men kissed women’s hands and bent over backwards to please them

I was willing to give her all the genteel she wanted, but I wasn’t about to play the sap. One of my fears had always been that because of the way she was raised she wouldn’t be able to handle my rough and rugged ways, but since we’d crossed that bridge she’ll just have to deal.

I made sure everything was as near to perfect as it was possible to get. I hope she didn’t notice that I’d chosen all her favorite treats for the night’s menu, or that the place was overrun with her favorite flower. These were things I’d picked up along the way over the years, things I never thought to have any use for.

I checked myself in the hall mirror one last time and tried to remember the last time I was this nervous before seeing a woman. Finally acknowledging that that’s what was going on was the catalyst I needed to snap me out of it. any sign of weakness and she’d have me balls on a platter.

I’ve never been the nervous type, and the fact that I had screwed up royally the last time I’d held her in my arms wasn’t about to change that. If all went as planned tonight, I was about to erase that memory from her mind and fill it with something better.



I’m a nervous wreck and there’s no hiding it. At least mama and daddy thinks my nerves are because it’s my first party since the engagement debacle, but there was one person in the family vehicle who knew better, and if he smirked at me one more time I am going to wring his neck.

I kept my head forward and avoided looking at him at all cost. “Well Grant’s place seems to be coming along. There was a time there when I didn’t trust his grandpa’s judgment in leaving his spread to a city slicker, but it seems the old man knew what he was doing.” Gramps stuck his head out the window.

We were already on Grant’s land, making our way down the long driveway that literally went on for miles as it meandered through paddocks on both sides and miles of grass as far as the eye could see. The house was a great monstrosity up ahead that beckoned with its million lights with the setting sun as its picturesque backdrop.

My face caught fire when we reached the place where we’d been that day. The memories came flashing back like a windstorm and suddenly the care felt too closed in. I was almost tempted to jump out and make a run for it, but that seemed a bit extreme.

“The boy is smart, has a good head on his shoulders and wasn’t too proud to ask for help when it was needed. Old Angus would’ve been pleased. I don’t think he could’ve asked for better.” Daddy was always a champion of Grant’s, since the very beginning. I don’t know why that should please me, but it did.

