Texas Hellion Read Online Book by Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 48
Estimated words: 43827 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 219(@200wpm)___ 175(@250wpm)___ 146(@300wpm)

“The party of course, didn’t your daddy tell you? He has decided that to save face we’re going to have a shindig to end all shindigs. You know your daddy; he weren’t about to let you lick your wounds for too long so this is the next best thing.” I still hadn’t a clue what she was jabbering on about as she flitted around my room like a worker bee. She finally wound down enough to make sense and turned my life upside down. “He what?”

Chapter 8


How did I let myself get talked into this mess? What was my throwing a party going to do? The whole town already thought she was pining over the loss of that fool and I wasn’t too happy about that. I didn’t want people believing that my woman was gone over some other dick; the shit was infuriating. My woman, I like the sound of that.

I haven’t had time to explain my sudden absence and from the way she behaved when I went over there unannounced didn’t give me hope that she was in a listening mood. It was just that when the alert came through it was in the middle of the night and there was no way for me to get word to her that I had to leave.

Some asshole had been rustling my damn cattle for a few months now and I was always too late to catch the son of a bitch. This time the boys and I had set some traps and they’d paid off. When I’d got the call to come out to where the crew had the bastards hogtied I hadn’t thought of anything but getting out there to deal with their thieving asses which I did and I had the bruised knuckles to prove it.

But now in retrospect I realize that she might take that shit the wrong way. The next time, and there bloody well will be a next time; I’d see things through to the finish. I should probably have sent her some flowers or some shit but I wasn’t sure where the hell we were with that. Something I was going to fix soon.

No more holding back, no more excuses. I had five years of buildup to work off. I’d missed the shit out her though and that’s no lie. It got so that just the thought of her and a strong wind was enough to get me hard enough to pound nails. I figured when I finally get my hands on her again it’ll take a week to slate my lust, or at the very least bring it down to controllable levels. I still didn’t know how we were gonna do this, but I knew for sure that marriage was going to be in there somewhere whether her hard headed ass agreed or not.

It’s been two days since I last saw her, since she ran like a scared rabbit from me. That’s okay though, though she may not know it, there was a time clock in my head and her time was almost running out. I’d gone there as sort of a test to myself as well that day. I wanted to see if the attraction was really that strong, or if it had just been the heat of the moment.

Seeing her there, looking so vulnerable, I’d wanted to take her then and there. I’m sure that would’ve gone over well, Brady would’ve probably taken his gun to me seeing as how that whole family seems to be trigger happy. It was seeing her and not being able to touch her that had solidified things for me. I don’t know how I’ve been able to go this long without doing something about this, about us, but I knew there was no way in hell I could go another five years without taking her into my home, into my bed.

She was of age, there was nothing stopping us, nothing standing in our way. Last I heard Joel was still shacked up with the librarian and the last fling I had was already a distant memory. That reminded me, I’d told Marcy that things were off between us, but that girl has a way of hearing what she wants to hear. It wasn’t the first time that I’d broken things off with her, but somehow she always finds a way to finagle herself back into my bed.

This time there was no question though. I pride myself on being honest, especially with myself, and there was nothing honest about taking one woman to my bed while my heart was so completely involved with another. I’ll just have to be on my guard for the next little while until I staked my claim once and for all, so that the whole county knew that she was mine. I didn’t want anything getting in the way of what I had planned, starting with tonight.

