The Nightmare in Him (Devil’s Cradle #2) Read Online Suzanne Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors: Series: Devil's Cradle Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 129
Estimated words: 121324 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 607(@200wpm)___ 485(@250wpm)___ 404(@300wpm)

“I need to shower,” she pointed out.

“Some of your clothes are at my Keep.” He’d pushed for her to leave some of her items at his bedchamber. It had seemed stupid for her not to when she slept there every night.

“Go,” shooed Hattie, flapping her hands at Wynter. “Let your man take care of you. You both need it.”

“Let him sex you up too,” said Delilah. “There’s no better stress reliever than sex.”

Xavier lightly squeezed Wynter’s shoulder. “Pure truth.”

“I only deal in the truth,” Delilah told him. “Unlike you, dear pathological liar.”

The male witch opened his mouth to argue, but Anabel quickly cut in, “If you deny it, you’ll only prove her point. Now let’s go, I have potions to brew.”

Goodbyes were exchanged, and then Wynter allowed Cain to lead her to his Keep. Walking through the arched opening in the stark walls that surrounded his home, he found that the bailey was mostly empty, since the workshops, bakehouse, brewery, and blacksmith’s shop were closed.

A few people stood near the stables and barns, talking amongst themselves. Cain and Wynter briefly greeted them as they strode through the courtyard toward the black, stone Keep. The tall, cylindrical building might have looked dull if it wasn’t for the faint shimmer of the magick that was embedded in the stone. The stained-glass windows of various sizes also gave it a “lift.”

The guards that were posted outside the entrance bowed their heads at Cain. He tipped his chin their way and then shepherded Wynter through the Keep’s thick wooden doors. Maxim, one of his aides, appeared. Like Cain’s other hirelings, the male lived at the Keep.

Maxim noted the blood on Wynter’s clothing and shot her a worried look.

“She’s fine,” Cain assured him, knowing that the gargoyle had developed a fondness for Wynter. “But we have a problem.” He told him of the Saul situation. “Have a search party sent out. I want him found. And make the other Ancients aware of the situation.”

Maxim gave a nod. “It’s done, Sire.” He tipped his chin at Wynter and then stalked off.

Cain gently squeezed her hand. “Come on.”

He led her through the arched hallways, where the old and the new fused together with the imperial staircases, carved columns, state-of-the-art features, and domed, frescoed ceilings.

Anyone who took in his collection of artwork would sense that he liked to collect rare objects—whether they be books or paintings or sculptures. It was part of why he’d been so fascinated by Wynter right from the start. She was a singular creature. Plus, he’d never before had partial rights to an undead soul. That had made him more eager to collect her.

Inside his bedchamber, he flicked a hand and sent out a small wave of power, lighting the many candles. The small flames danced, casting light and shadows over the tapestries, heavy drapes, and furnishings.

He wished it would take a mere flick of his hand to capture Saul. But the male was a being whose power almost matched Cain’s. Almost. That would be the bastard’s downfall.

After they showered, Wynter slipped on one of his tees at his request—he liked the look of her in his clothes. Perching herself on the edge of the four-poster bed, she watched Cain closely. He loved how she so boldly held his gaze—no nervousness, no fear, no submissiveness.

He even loved when she fixed him with her trademark hunter stare that told him she’d pounce if he ever proved a threat. It never failed to stir his blood . . . which was probably perverse, but he gave no fucks.

Cain found his gaze dipping to the arm that had earlier sported an ugly burn. “Saul’s going to suffer in ways he didn’t know it was possible to suffer.”

“I don’t suppose reminding you that I’m okay will be enough to calm you,” she said.

“You suppose correctly.” Not bothering to pull on any clothes, he moved to stand in front of her and planted his feet. “Run through the incident again. I want every detail this time. Miss nothing out.”

“That’s not gonna help you shake off your mad.”

“Every detail,” he reiterated. “And stop looking at my cock—you won’t distract me with sex, so don’t bother trying.”

Sighing, she folded her arms. “Okay, fine.”

Cain listened as she elaborated on her earlier story. His monster narrowed its eyes when she spoke of how Saul told her she never would have let Cain touch her if she knew what he was. The most annoying thing about that was . . . “He’s probably not wrong.”

“I’ve told you before that I don’t spook easily. But hey, there’s only one way you’re ever going to know for sure if I can handle it.” You’ll have to tell me, she didn’t add but he heard.

He accepted that with a nod. “I need more time.” More specifically, he needed her to feel that she couldn’t be without him. “Then what happened?”

