The Protector Read Online Free Books by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 128980 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 645(@200wpm)___ 516(@250wpm)___ 430(@300wpm)

Because Sharp has put his big body between us.

He’s so close I have to tilt my head way back to look up at the back of his head. I catch the signs of muscles bunching beneath his black T-shirt on my way.

“You are…?” he asks, full of suspicion and hostility.

Seriously? Can this man be civil and warm toward anyone? And come to think of it, he should know damn well who TJ is. He must have seen pictures of him in the extensive background checks he’s likely done. And, come to think of it, he’s the spitting image of my father. Sharp’s being pathetic. He’s still worked up. Because of that van?

Placing my hand on Sharp’s arm, I put some weight behind me and push him to the side. Or I try to. He doesn’t budge. Not even a miniuscule jolt from my effort. “This is my brother.” I sigh, moving to the side so I can see TJ again, since Sharp isn’t showing willingness to move.

As expected, TJ’s eyes are quite alarmed. “So this is the killing machine, eh?” He lifts his hand. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Sharp.”

I’m pretty sure I hear a growl emanate from my bodyguard as he raises his hand. He has a death stare locked on my brother, who, being even shorter than me, has to step back or break his neck in order to see Sharp’s snarling face.

“And you,” Sharp replies, short, sharp and with no sincerity behind it.

TJ virtually yanks his hand free from Sharp’s fierce grip and tosses me a questioning look. I step forward, taking my brother’s arm. Him, I can move. TJ laughs nervously. “Dad wasn’t kidding when he said he didn’t hire him because he liked him. What an arsehole!”

We come to a stop and I hum, thoughtful, as I cast an eye over my shoulder. Jake’s scoping everywhere. It’s beginning to make me nervous.

“Anyway,” TJ goes on, pulling me back round. His face is serious. I know what’s coming. “I’ve heard a certain someone is of out of rehab.”

“Funny, I heard that, too.”

“Camille,” he warns, drawing out my name tiredly. “We’re just…”

I hold my hand up to stop him. “I’m done with him.” I strain to say the words, not because they’re hard, but because I’m pissed off with having to repeat myself for the millionth time. My initial worry when Heather told me that Seb is back in town has been replaced with a ton of resolve. I don’t plan on bumping into him. Anyway, from what I’ve heard, he’ll be back in rehab before long.

“Funny how the day Sebastian is released, Sharp’s hired to protect me.” I give TJ a high arch of my eyebrow. It’s an accusing arch.

TJ mirrors it, except his is a warning arch. “I saw the threat, kiddo. We can’t be too careful with our little star.”

“What did it say, anyway? And who sent it?”

“What it said doesn’t matter. And if we knew who sent it, don’t you think something would be done about it?”

I sigh, admitting defeat. I know I have no place in business, even if the business involves me. “You want a coffee?” I indicate the café across the road.

“Maybe another time. I’ve got to get to this meeting.” On cue, his phone starts ringing and he smiles, holding it up to me. I see “Dad” flashing on the screen. “I’m thirty seconds late.” Dropping a kiss on my forehead, TJ backs away toward his car, being sure to give my hulking guard a wide berth. “Look after our girl,” he says to Sharp, being all brotherly. It makes me warm on the inside…until I see Sharp noticeably rigid again. The man needs to lighten up, for the love of God!

TJ jumps in his Maserati and screams off down the street, and I start toward Sharp’s car, knowing he won’t be far behind. It’s like if he gets a certain distance from me, an invisible rope starts winding in to bring him closer.

* * *

At six o’clock, Heather virtually bangs the door down. I run to answer, but Jake beats me to it, looking through the peek hole with his hand resting on his lower back, where I know he keeps his gun. So fucking paranoid.

“It’s Heather,” I mutter, watching as he turns and wanders away from the door, not bothering to open it for my friend.

My lip curls as he passes and I reach to open the door, matching Heather’s grin when she holds up two bottles of wine.

“I’m here!” she sings, pushing her way past me. I know the second she finds Sharp because she stutters to a stop and shuts up. I close the door and push her on, into the kitchen. “He is divine,” she whisper-hisses, plunking the bottles on the side while I fetch glasses.

