Trust The Devil Read Online Joanna Blake (The Devil’s Riders #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Devil's Riders Series by Joanna Blake

Total pages in book: 64
Estimated words: 62696 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 313(@200wpm)___ 251(@250wpm)___ 209(@300wpm)

It wasn't exactly textbook martial arts but it had done the trick.

The door crashed open behind her. She didn't turn to see who it was. She didn't have to.


Chapter 28


Motherfucker. He was going to kill him. He’d touched her.

He could see bruises forming. And her lip was bleeding. And God knows what else.

Donnie was staring at his tiny little woman. She had her heel on a man's throat. Her house was trashed. That must have been one hell of a fight.

The thought of that pig laying hands on her made him see red. More than red. His vision went black.

The man on the floor was whimpering incoherently.


He walked over to the sniveling bastard and stepped on his hand until he released the belt he was gripping. He’d hit her with that. A belt could do a lot of damage, Donnie knew from experience.

He started to roll him over but Sally was frozen in place, obviously afraid to take her foot off his throat. He realized she was shaking. He put his arm around her and tried to give her some of his warmth.

"Sally, honey let me take over. You did good, baby."

He stared at the piece of shit on the floor.

"Real good."

She nodded and pulled her foot back. Donnie rolled the guy onto his face and quickly strapped his arms together with his own belt. The scumbag had a pistol tucked into the back of his jeans. Donnie used his shirt to pick it up and slide it away from them.

"You got a rope or something?"

She left the room and was back in a minute with another belt. This one was pink. He smiled and tied the bastard's feet. The little shit heel wasn't going anywhere. He pulled out his cell and texted Dev and Jack to bring the guys over and to send a car for Sally. Then he stood up and finally got a good look at her beautiful face.

Sally was bleeding. A lot. From her lip, one ear and what looked like a few lacerations around her neck and shoulders. That bastard had done this.

Because of Donnie. He swallowed, the rage and despair fighting for dominance. He’d said he would protect her.

"Oh honey…"

He took a step toward her but she stepped away from him.

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not, sweetheart.”

"Don't call me that."

He stopped, confused. She wasn't acting like a damsel in distress who'd just been rescued by her man. Then he remembered. He'd momentarily forgotten that she'd dipped out on him at the clubhouse. He'd forgotten about the ribbing they'd gotten from the rest of the club. Her eyes were narrowed as she stared at him.

Clearly, she had not forgotten.

"Come on now, Sally, don't be like that. They were just havin' a little fun at my expense."

"Your expense? What about me? I'm the one who looked like a whore."

He held his hands up.

"No, honey you didn't. They were just happy because I've been mooning over you for so long. They were giving me shit."

She stared at him distrustfully, obviously not sure what to think.

"I swear to you, Sally. They were just glad that I wasn't going to be such a bastard anymore. You're my old lady.”

She blinked. She must know what that meant. Good.

“Or you will be if you can stop being so mad at me. Just say the word."

He held his breath while he watched the emotions play across her beautiful face.

Finally she nodded and dropped her head forward. He pulled her into his arms and held her until the sound of motorcycles could be heard outside.

Dev and Jack walked in first and surveyed the damage.

"Jesus. What the hell happened man?"

Donnie pointed to the tied up man lying on the floor.

"That piece of shit right there."

"We'll take care of him, man. Never to be heard from again."

Sally shook her head wildly.

"No Donnie, you can't! I don't want you to get in trouble."

He stood there, his jaw clenched. He wanted to kill the guy so bad he could taste it. But he wasn't going to do it behind her back. He wasn't going to lie to her.

"You sure, Sally? He doesn't deserve to live."

She nodded.

"I know. Just promise you won't kill him, Donnie. It's not worth it."

"Alright sweetheart, I won't. There are worse things than death though."

The man on the floor moaned and Jack kicked him. That made Donnie smile.

"Shut up you piece of crap. He did this to you, Sally?"

Sally nodded.

"It's- it's not the first time."

"Oh, but it's sure as shit the last."

Jack cracked his knuckles together and the most terrifying smile came over his face. Donnie knew that he and Dev looked the same.

Carl didn't stand a chance.

Whisky Beard came in and looked around without showing any reaction.

"What do you need?"

Donnie stepped forward, bringing Sally with him under his arm.

"Take her to the ER and then my place. Don't leave until I come back. I'll send a few guys to stand watch at the hospital with you."

