Two Man Advantage Read Online Toni Aleo

Categories Genre: Erotic, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 73002 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 365(@200wpm)___ 292(@250wpm)___ 243(@300wpm)

When Seth cupped his shoulder, Matty looked over at him, and Seth shrugged. “I’m sorry, man, you know he and Dad are close.”

Looking back at the door, still hopeful that it would open, Matty muttered, “I thought we were closer.”

Obviously, Matty was wrong.


Fighting his nerves, Wells lifted his hand up and knocked hard against the door in front of him. He’d always loved the look of Matty’s apartment building, its sleek interior with old-world outside and a doorman he swore had worked there since 1980. He was a jazzy guy, with a fedora and popped collar, named Fred. Wells adored him, and it made him feel good that Fred had remembered him when he’d arrived.

Especially since he hadn’t planned on coming to New York yet. They were supposed to be back in Colorado by now, doing some outdoorsy type shit before coming back to the city for dinner with Matty’s family. But when Matty called, a bit panicked when his brother didn’t take his news well, Wells didn’t think. He just got on a plane and flew to be with him.

Maybe Wren was right. He really didn’t think much when it came to Matty, and he wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. He wasn’t letting down Jensen and Wren. The move was done, he’d miss Tate Odder’s retirement party and Wren’s baby shower, but he’d spent so much damn money on his nephew while he was there, he doubted he’d be missed. Though, he hated that he’d miss all that. Plus, it would have been nice to hang for another couple days since, once the season started, he wouldn’t see any of his family much. But Matty needed him, even if he didn’t say he did.

When the door opened, Matty’s eyes widened, and God bless him, they were bloodshot. His cheeks were dark with color, and it was obvious he had been crying. Dropping his bag, Wells took Matty in his arms, holding him tight, and just like that, Matty let go, his body shaking as he cried.

At that moment, Wells knew he had made the right choice.

Matty was such a big man, his arms could go around Wells twice, but he felt so small in Wells’s arms as he held him, dusting kisses along his temple and whispering that it was okay, that he was there. They stood like that for a long time. Thankfully, Matty was the only one who lived on that floor since his last neighbor moved out a couple weeks before. It gave them the freedom to stand there without anyone seeing Matty cry. Wells knew that Matty wouldn’t want that. He understood Matty didn’t like to cry and especially not to have people see him do it.

When Matty pulled back, he shook his head. “Wren’s baby shower?”

“It’s fine. She’s okay with it.”

“But I wanted to fly down for it.”

“Maybe we still can. Come here.”

But before Wells could pull him back into his arms, Matty whispered, “I can’t believe you came.”

“I thought you needed me.”

His lip quivered as he nodded. “More than you know. Please come in,” he said, moving past Wells and reaching for his bag. Placing his hand on Matty’s arm, Wells met his gaze and smiled. “I’ll always be here.”

Matty swallowed past the lump in his throat as he nodded. “Thank you.”

“This will work out.”

Matty shook his head as he shut the door. “No, you didn’t see his face, the disgust on it. It was heartbreaking.” His voice broke a bit, and Wells reached for him. “I thought they would be like Avery. They’re my brothers, they’re supposed to love me, or at least, that’s the stupid fucking thought Avery put in my head. I feel so goddamn dumb. I should have known it wouldn’t be that easy.”

“It should have been. I’m sorry. He was probably just shocked,” Wells said softly, his heart hurting so much for his lover. “It was probably a lot to take in at once.”

“No, I tried calling him,” he said against Wells’s shoulder. “And he told me he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t support something he thought was wrong. He made me feel like I was doing something disgusting. He said that our parents wouldn’t support me either, that I really needed to reevaluate my life. That I had time.”

When Matty’s body shook with a sob, Wells held him tighter. “It’s not wrong, Matty, and don’t you dare let him make you feel sorry for who you are.” Pulling back, he took Matty’s face in his hands. “You are fucking awesome. Okay? You are a skilled and beautiful hockey player. A soft soul that you try to keep locked away, but once you set it free, it’s out and it’s amazing. You fought battles inside yourself, and you fucking won. You went to your sister, you made amends, and now you are working on a great relationship with her. You fought for me. You love, Matty, God, you love with all your heart. All of it. And, baby, I love you.” When Matty’s lips started to wobble, his eyes blinking as the tears fell, Wells had to fight back his own tears that were threatening to fall. “This will work out. I promise you. And if it doesn’t, then fuck them. You have Avery, you have Seth, you have my family, my friends. But fuck, Matty, no matter what, you have me. All of me. I’m yours.”

