Two Man Advantage Read Online Toni Aleo

Categories Genre: Erotic, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 73002 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 365(@200wpm)___ 292(@250wpm)___ 243(@300wpm)

“No. No, it’s not, and I don’t support this. How do you think this is going to look when it comes out, when the NHL finds out? People will look at me like I raised you wrong—when I most assuredly did not!”

“For God’s sake, this isn’t about being raised right or wrong. It’s who he is biologically!” Wells yelled, and Matty’s eyes fell shut.

“Wells, please—”

But Matty couldn’t get all his words out before Benedict was pointing at Wells, venom in his voice as he demanded, “Stay away from him.”

“Never,” Wells vowed. “I can promise you that.”

“I will ruin you.”

Wells shrugged. “Take your best shot.”

“Please stop,” Matty pleaded. “Dad, can’t you see this is who I am? I am your son. You’re supposed to love me no matter what.”

Benedict was flabbergasted, his arms flying up as he yelled, “I won’t love a faggot. I will not support something that is totally unacceptable in our fucking family. If you are doing this, I will have no part in it.”


“No fucking part, Matty, and I can promise you, the rest of the family will follow suit. Are you ready to give them all up for this, for this faggot?”

“A faggot is actually a bunch of sticks that are tied together,” Wells said, his eyes narrowed, and damn it, this was why Matty had wanted to do this alone. Wells couldn’t control his emotions when it came to Matty; he was beyond overprotective. “Just thought you should know.”

“No one is talking to you,” Benedict shouted, looking back at Matty. “Are you ready to lose it all, Matthew? A family that loves and cares for you? How can you do this to me?”

That made Matty laugh disdainfully. “You were never there to love and care for me, so I’m sorry that I’m having a hard time understanding how you can be this upset.”

“I was always there. Maybe not physically, but I had a role in your life as your father, and you will fucking respect me, Matthew Robert!”

“Respect is earned not expected. He doesn’t haven’t to respect someone who is making him out to be worthless,” Wells said, Benedict glaring at him. The way they looked at each other was scary. It hurt Matty, and soon he was shaking his head.

“Dad, maybe you should go.”

Benedict whipped his head back to stare at him. “Excuse me?”

“Leave. Please.”

“I am your father, and if I walk out that fucking door, I swear you will be no son of mine.”

Matty didn’t even hesitate. “Well, good thing you have two other sons because you need to leave.”

Matty was sure his father was about to have a coronary. He stormed out of the room with not even a look back, and Matty jumped when the door slammed shut.

That just happened.

Holy fuck.

He couldn’t breathe.

Collapsing back onto the bed, he held his face, rocking back and forth as he took in deep breaths, trying to calm his racing heart. He’d known it wouldn’t be easy; he knew his dad would be upset, but he’d never expected him to treat him like that. To so coldheartedly speak to him like he was the dirt on his shoe. How could he be so heartless, how could he just toss Matty to the side? Matty was his son, his flesh and blood, but because he chose to love a man, he was dead to him?

That wasn’t fair, nor was it right.

He was a person—yeah, he wasn’t the greatest, but he was trying. What the fuck had he done to deserve that? And while all that was enough to rip Matty apart, especially the part about his family turning on him, he couldn’t help but think that his father might be right about the other consequences.

What if people didn’t see him as a real player because of who he loved? He loved hockey; it was everything to him after Wells. He loved playing, he loved the respect he had, he loved his teammates, but would all that vanish the moment they knew? He didn’t care about the other teams because they always trash-talked, but his team… That wouldn’t be good. While he had thought about his dad’s career, he didn’t think it would affect it as much as he claimed. He didn’t understand why it would. It wasn’t his dad’s life, it was Matty’s.

“You know all that shit he said is just that: shit. Bullshit, really.”

But Matty couldn’t speak. A sob was in his throat, and he felt like he couldn’t catch his breath. “Matty, for real, baby. Seth and Avery love you and support you. Yeah, Laurence is being a dick, but he’ll come around, and so will your dad. Don’t let this get you down.”

When Wells took ahold of Matty’s shoulder, he shook out of it, needing to just breathe. He didn’t want to be touched, he wanted to breathe. “What the fuck, Matty? I get it. It’s hard, and that was tough, but you’ve got me.”

