Vodka on the Rocks Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Uncertain Saint’s MC, #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Uncertain Saint's MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 73230 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 366(@200wpm)___ 293(@250wpm)___ 244(@300wpm)

“You still there?” I queried.

“Yeah,” Annie answered. “Vitaly had a diaper explosion, so I put it on speaker phone and waited for you to remember you forgot about me.”

I laughed.

“How are my babies doing?” I asked her.

“They’re fine. Mig likes your ferret,” Annie laughed. “Although, Mom freaked out when the ferret got too close to Vitaly’s crib today. And, Jesus, she acted like your cat was attempting to kill our kid when he got up there to investigate Vitaly in his crib. She started spouting some nonsense about cats stealing baby’s breath or some bullshit.”

I blinked.

“I think I’ve heard that old wives’ tale before. But I don’t think there’s any truth to it,” I said, walking back into the bathroom and pulling out my new tube of mascara.

I wasn’t much of a make-up wearer and hadn’t used it since high school.

I withdrew the wand from the tube and started to apply it to my lashes, hoping that I wouldn’t wind up looking like a raccoon.

Then followed suit with the eyeshadow and blush.

“I’m not supposed to have two red dots on my cheeks when I apply blush, am I?” I asked my sister.

My sister snorted.

“No. I don’t think that’s in right now, not unless you’re going for the clown look,” she teased.

I sighed and wet down a wash cloth, then scrubbed the blush off my face.

“I think Mom forgot to teach me how to apply makeup,” I said to Annie.

“She didn’t forget, you just never wanted to learn,” my sister challenged.

I sighed, snatching my lip gloss from the counter and heading back into my room.

“Do I have to wear hose with my heels, because I…” I trailed off as I got a good look across the length of the hallway. “Holy shit,” I breathed.

“What?” Annie asked.

My mouth wouldn’t work to answer her, however.

It was too busy hanging open as I got my first good look at Casten Red in a freakin’ tux.

Black pin striped. Sharp, polished shoes. Red undershirt.

“Sweet baby Jesus,” I breathed.

“What?” Annie’s voice rose.

I swallowed thickly.

“Casten’s in a tux,” I exhaled.

“Shit,” Annie sighed.

Annie was against me and Casten.

Apparently, I was hard on men, or so Annie said.

According to her, I loved them and left them, even though I hadn’t had sex in well over two years.

Not that she wanted to know that. Every time I brought it up, she’d cover her ears and start humming in order to get me to stop.

“What?” I asked.

“Don’t hurt him, Tasha. He’s a good man,” Annie pled softly.

I bristled.

“What makes you think he’s not going to hurt me?” I shot back.

“The fact that your head is still stuck in the past, and Casten has a soft spot for women that are broken,” Annie informed me.

I narrowed my eyes, not at Casten, but at my sister’s words.

“I’m not stuck in the past, and what makes you think Casten has a soft spot for broken women?” I asked.

Annie laughed. “His sisters are living with him, and both of their parents are alive.”

I blinked.

I hadn’t really given much thought to why his sisters were living with him, and he hadn’t mentioned anything about why they lived with him instead their parents.

Given, I hadn’t even thought to ask.

The doorbell rang, and Casten exited his room without even a glance in my direction.

Now worried about the prospect of him not finding me attractive, I walked out of the room after him as I said goodbye to my sister.

“Give my kitty some kisses for me,” I ordered her.

“Will do,” Annie drawled. “Take care of yourself, and be good.”

I didn’t bother to answer her.

“Night,” I hung up.

I moved down the hall and into the living room, stopping in front of the recliner.

Taking a seat, I slipped my feet into the incredibly uncomfortable heels I was lent for the evening—courtesy of CeeCee—and watched as Casten opened the door for a man I’d never seen before.

He was handsome, though.

Very handsome.

He wasn’t Casten, but he could’ve easily been a contender had I not known Casten.

“Joe,” Casten greeted the newcomer in that deep, rumbly voice. “Good to see you.”

Joe nodded. “My wife ready yet?”

I blinked.


“I’m not your wife anymore, remember?” CeeCee called as she rushed into the room, simultaneously trying to put a bracelet on her wrist.

Joe moved past Casten without invitation and stopped beside CeeCee.

“I don’t know why you don’t just ask someone to do this for you instead of struggling to do it yourself for God knows how long,” Joe mumbled as his thick fingers deftly fastened the bracelet with practiced ease.

He’d obviously done it before.

Multiple times would be my guess.

“I’ve had to learn to do a lot of things on my own since you left me,” CeeCee noted primly.

I let my gaze roam over to Casten, expecting to have his attention on the couple.

Instead, it was on me, watching as I shook while attempting to bend over and put my shoes on without causing too much pain in my midsection.

