Whiskey Neat Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Uncertain Saint’s MC #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Dark, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Uncertain Saint's MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 78696 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 393(@200wpm)___ 315(@250wpm)___ 262(@300wpm)

I could practically feel the anger rolling off of her, and I felt somewhat bad for putting that expression on her face.

“I’m sorry,” I said, backing up.

I was out in the sunlight when the sadness in her voice made me freeze.

“Griffin?” she asked softly.

I closed my eyes.

“Yeah?” I croaked.

“You didn’t tell me why you involved me at all,” she whispered.

I opened my eyes and pinned them to her.

“Because I couldn’t help myself. I’ve never wanted anyone more in my life.”

Chapter 6

Sometimes it’s best to reflect on just how amazing tits are.

- Griffin to Lenore


Because I couldn’t help myself. I’ve never wanted anyone more in my life.

Who did he think he was, saying something like that?

He was the king of what I would call wishy washy.

One second he was telling me he wasn’t good for me, and the next he goes and says something like that, something that makes me care so much more about what kind of trouble he’s in.

It’d been a week and two days, and I still couldn’t get those words out of my head.

And to make matters worse, I saw Griffin everywhere.

I saw him at the bank.

I saw him when I was coming out of the dog shelter…two towns over.

I saw him when I was leaving work.

It was like every time I turned around, there he was.

Which made it nearly impossible to stop thinking about him.

And I kept replaying our time together in a continuous loop in my brain.

The way his hands felt when they touched the sensitive skin at the inside of my thighs.

The way he smelled.

The way he filled me up when…

“Jesus Lenore, stop!” I admonished myself.

“At least you’re not totally inept. Maybe you can use that knowledge to get a life,” Diane McDermott said disdainfully at my side.

I wanted to punch her in the throat.

I hated Diane.

She was Remy’s wife’s best friend, and not any nicer than Jenna.

If you added Jenna and Diane together, you had a lethal combination of beauty, no brains, bad attitudes and smuttiness.

They were like Cinderella’s evil stepsisters: self-centered jerks who only cared about themselves.

“Hello, Diane,” I said as I walked down the street.

Diane kept pace with me.

“Where are you going? To help those geezers at the old folk’s home? Trying to make up for what you did to your papa?” Diane smiled deviously.

My heart pinched at the mention of my Pap.

He’d been my best friend in the whole entire world, and when he’d needed me I wasn’t there.

“Yes, Diane. That’s where I’m going. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m late,” I said, trying my hardest not to engage in anything with her.

“Or are you going to see Remy? You know, Jenna thinks you and Remy have a friends with benefits kind of relationship, although she’s never been able to prove it,” Diane said viciously.

I glared at her.

“Let me ask you something, Diane. Do you want to have relations with Jackson?” I asked.

Jackson was her baby brother.

He owned Uncertain Motors, the only mechanic shop in Uncertain.

He also didn’t forget to tell Diane on a daily basis just how annoying she was.

Which I loved.

“No!” Diane said, voice raising about eight octaves.

“Really? Because that’s the kind of relationship I have with Remy. It’ll never be anything more than that. I love him, but I’m not in love with him. Those are two totally different things, and you should really figure that out. You should be focusing on your own problems with your so-called boyfriend. I’m sure he loves you, he’s still with you after all. But he’s obviously not in love with you seeing as he’s in my shop every few days with a different girl, buying toys and using them in my parking lot,” I hissed

I knew I overstepped my bounds nearly the instant those words came out of my mouth.

Dammit, I really shouldn’t give any information out about my customers.

Not what they purchased or how often they shopped, and definitely not what they did in my parking lot with those purchases. But the bitch pushed me, and she had it coming. Diane brought out the worst in me, and had since high school.

Her and Jenna had bullied me every chance they got. I was at the point that I no longer had a civil thing left to say to either of them.

“I’m sorry, Diane. I shouldn’t have said that,” I apologized when Diane still hadn’t spoken.

Diane’s eyes went from being wounded to calculating.

“Don’t apologize to me, bitch. Just stay the fuck out of my way.”

I closed my eyes in remorse as Diane walked away from me, and when I opened them again, I saw Griffin, on his bike, staring at me.

He was across the street and in front of the diner – well out of earshot – but I still had the feeling that he knew exactly what had just happened.

I’d gone and pissed off an angry bear.

And we all know what angry bears do.

They strike back.


The next day, I woke up with a feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach.

From the moment I walked out of my duplex to grab my paper, I knew I shouldn’t have said what I had said to Diane yesterday.

I shouldn’t have provoked her.

I knew it’d come back and bite me in the ass.

And the article on the front page of the paper was enough to make my blood boil.

Uncertain Pleasure Boutique a disgrace to this fine town.

I almost died.

When I’d first opened Uncertain Pleasure, it was because of the many sex toy parties I had attended throughout college.

I’d learned that the sex toy market was a quite profitable and well-selling one.

And to my business oriented mind, it was the perfect thing to open when I got out of college.

During the last two years of my MBA studies, I started hosting my own sex toy parties, and I’d done so well with them, that by the time I graduated, I’d had quite the nest egg saved to use for startup capital.

Uncertain wasn’t my first choice of locations to open my new business, but it has been one of the few places I could afford.

