Wicked Intentions (Ashby Crime Family #1) Read Online KB Winters

Categories Genre: Erotic, Mafia, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Ashby Crime Family Series by KB Winters

Total pages in book: 74
Estimated words: 69242 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 346(@200wpm)___ 277(@250wpm)___ 231(@300wpm)

I sighed and took a swig of my beer. It was getting warm, but I didn’t want to move. I was comfortable where I was, even if I was feeling a little sorry for myself.

There was something about Virgil that made me want to say yes to him. Maybe it was the way he looked at me, like I was the only woman in the world. Or maybe it was because he was so damn good at kissing.

I didn’t know what it was, but I wanted to find out. Unfortunately, finding out meant taking a risk, and I wasn’t sure if I was ready to do that.

But then, what was the alternative? Sit around and wonder what could have been?

No, that wasn't for me. I had to take the leap and see where it took me. After all, hadn't I always been the kind of person who was up for a challenge?

Yes, I had. And this was definitely a challenge.

So, here I was, sitting in Max and Jana’s backyard, wondering if I was brave enough to take the next step with Virgil.

I still wasn’t sure this was anything more than a fling, but something about the man made it hard to stop thinking about him. Clearly, he was up to something that was on the wrong side of the law. But he was also charming, funny, and sexy as hell.

I sighed and took another swig of my beer. I was going to have to make a decision soon, one way or the other. But for now, I was going to enjoy the last few minutes of peace before I had to face the Virgil dilemma head on.

Crazy thing was, I wasn’t sure if his shenanigans even bothered me all that much.

Even though Gunnar and Peaches tried to shield me from most of the Reckless Bastards’ business, Opey was a small town and it was impossible to keep their shenanigans from me. I knew things Gunnar would hate that I knew. I’d also seen things he wouldn’t like, but the man ran a sex club and well, Opey was a ridiculously small town.

Chances were good Virgil and I would have a few weeks of amazing sex and then fizzle out, no harm, no foul.

Then again, it could be my super horny body telling me to go for a few spins before I make up my mind. At this point, who could tell?

“Everything all right, Maze?”

I looked up from my daydream and smiled at Jana. “I didn’t even hear you come out.”

“Clearly. I called your name a few times.”

Busted. “Oh. Sorry, I guess I was just thinking.”

“About anything in particular?”

“The world. My future. Guys.” Virgil was the easiest thing to focus on, the one with the least chance for impacting my life, long term. He was a gorgeous distraction, though.

I hoped.

“The world is a problem that will continue to plague us all,” she said wisely and took the seat beside me as she stole a sip of my beer. “Your future is approaching whether you want it to or not. You’re about to graduate with a degree in hospitality management. Sounds like a great life. My advice is to find a job you love and enjoy it. You know what they say, if you find your passion, you’ll never work a day in your life. And there are so many places you could work. The world is your oyster. Now,” she rubbed her hands together gleefully. “Tell me about the guy.”

I blinked. I wanted to spill, but as much as Jana was my friend, she wouldn’t hesitate to report anything worrisome to Gunnar and Peaches. “Did you ever have any doubts about being with Uncle Max because he was a Reckless Bastard?”

She snorted and shook her head. “Are you kidding? I was so hung up on him being a biker and what I thought it meant, that I nearly lost him. The truth is I always knew who Max was, with or without the MC. It took almost losing him to realize it.”

“He is pretty great.” Max was gruff and he was a tough son of a bitch, but he loved his family the way a man was supposed to, with all his heart. He was willing to protect it with his body and his soul. It didn’t matter what he did, Max was a good man. And that was what I wanted. A good man.

Virgil could be a good man too.

“He is. And he saw the beauty in me, past this stupid scar. And that meant a lot to me. We were both so broken at the time.”

“I think you’re beautiful, Jana. I barely even see your scar and even if I did, so what? That means you survived some awful shit, and that matters.”

She laughed and wrapped her arms around herself. “God, I wish I’d been as bold and brave as you are when I was your age. I would have enjoyed my twenties a lot more.” Her smile slowly faded and she studied me, a little too closely. “Have you fallen for a guy you shouldn’t?” There was no judgment in her tone, only a hint of bemusement.

