Dirty Wars – The Lion and The Mouse Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 247
Estimated words: 248926 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1245(@200wpm)___ 996(@250wpm)___ 830(@300wpm)

Max stopped rubbing Harlem and slowly lay him back on the sand.

Whining, Harlem jumped around his feet.

Max paid Harlem no more attention. He kept his gaze fixed on me, as if trying to see into my deepest thoughts. A serious expression spread across his handsome face.

I was about to speak, but King David's voice boomed in the air. “I said call! Not in an hour! Not after they have breakfast! Not when they shower! Right when they wake up!”

Kaz stepped to my side.

We both looked to the right where King David held a heated conversation with Wassily.

King David’s voice rose higher. “You got that?”

Wassily nodded.

“Next time, there won’t be words.” David opened his suit jacket and gestured to his gun sitting in his holster. “You understand?”

Wassily pursed his lips, but remained silent.

Alrighty then.

I widened my eyes. “Wassily is in serious trouble.”

Then, David turned our way and scowled.

“Oh.” I blinked. “We're in trouble too.”

“I will deal with you more later!” King David stormed away from Wassily and headed our way.

Kaz frowned. “David better take his attitude down a notch, when he speaks to me.”

“Be nice, Kaz.”

“I am the Lion. I require a certain amount of respect.”

“We all know you’re the Lion, but it’s David’s job to protect those paws and your very big tail.”

King David almost pushed Max to the side as he stomped up the ramp and stopped a foot in front of Kaz. Usually, a smooth calmness radiated from David. This morning, his anger permeated the air.

Okay. He’s mad-mad.

Additionally, his suit appeared wrinkled like he'd slept in it. Red tinted the corner of his eyes, and his hands were fisted at his sides.

Kaz stared back at him with a bored expression. “Is there a problem?”

David didn’t even try to hold back his sneer. “I would like to be told next time you have a picnic in the middle of the night.”

“My mouse was hungry.”

“And so you are now a perfect target. Anyone could come and shoot you down—”

“Our men are here—”

“Eating pancakes and drinking juice!” David spoke through clenched teeth. “Should I have someone bring them chairs, so they can sit down? Perhaps, we can get some music out here so the Mancuso Family can have a soundtrack while they kill you?”

Rage entered Kaz's eyes. “Are you questioning my—”

“We are very sorry, David.” I loudly cleared my throat. “It was a rough morning. I dragged everyone out to the beach. This is my fault.”

Kaz's expression didn't soften. “We will not apologize for—”

“We will, and again we are sorry.” I walked around both men, knowing that their discussion would not be over.

Max remained at the end of the ramp with his attention still on me.

It made me uncomfortable that he hadn't said anything yet.

Meanwhile, Harlem leaned against Max's big feet and licked himself.

What does Max think about. . .Lunita?

I had been so shocked with everything Kaz had said, that I never, not once, considered Max's thoughts or what information he could add to this.

How much had he known? Did X and Daryl know too? Or were they unable to deal with the high magnitude of crazy like I was?

I have to figure this out and not take Kaz and Max down this crazy path. No more secrets. No more hiding bodies and cleaning up my bloodshed.

I stopped in front of Max. A few inches lay between us. Nervous, I leaned against the wooden ramp, wishing that I could hug him. But, being this close provided its own sense of satisfaction and comfort.

Max looked down at me.

Silence ran between us.

Say something.

His scent surrounded me—cologne mingling with weed. I gave him a sad smile, loving that he'd returned. Then, I forced myself to speak. “Are you okay?”


“Did Jean-Pierre get you into anything tricky.”

“A few times.”

I frowned. “What the fuck?”

“Doesn't matter. I'm good now.”

“But, what happened?”

“Em, my gun’s aim is holy. Dare I say. . .biblical.”

“What happened?”

“Your boy is fine.”

I'll ask Jean-Pierre later and he better have some fucking answers.

Max grinned for the first time. “Leave the Butcher alone.”

“I didn't say anything.”

“Yeah, but I see it all over you face.”

I placed my hands on my hips. “We treated Giorgio and Louis like family so if I find out that you got a scratch or—”

“Leave it alone, Em. I like the Butcher now.”

I quirked my brows.

“We can trust him.”

David barked behind us, “Wassily, get over here!”

Max looked that way. “Let's walk back to the hotel. Your Russian is busy. Plus, Baba wanted you to be around when the kid woke up.”


“Yeah. The little guy had a bunch of nightmares and was calling for you.”

Poor Paolo.

My heart twisted.

I glanced over my shoulder.

David talked to Kazimir, but my lion watched me.

I motioned that I was heading off with Max.

Kaz nodded, telling me he understood exactly what I was saying with the gesture.

My baby.

I loved how we could communicate with simple body language. The more time I spent with Kaz, the more I knew we were meant to be together. Weeks ago, I had doubts about the pregnancy and even our engagement. Now after all that we had been through, I could never be without him.

