Helping Hand Read Online Jay Northcote (Housemates #1)

Categories Genre: College, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: Housemates Series by Jay Northcote

Total pages in book: 42
Estimated words: 43759 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 219(@200wpm)___ 175(@250wpm)___ 146(@300wpm)

m uch, and I’m crazy about y ou, and I wish…. But I’m not gay, so I don’t

get it. Why do I feel like this?” Mac sounded so genuinely confused.

Jez had a lum p the size of a fist in his throat. “What do y ou wish?” he

whispered. His heart surged like a bird fluttering its wings against the cage

of his ribs.

There was a long pause.

“I wish we could be boy friends.” Mac’s voice was sm all and

uncertain. “I know it’s stupid and y ou don’t want that, but—”

“Why do y ou think I don’t want that?” Jez’s voice cam e out m ore

sharply than he’d intended. “I do. Fuck, I’ve wanted it for a while now.”

“But y ou were so freaked out last weekend when Shawn caught us,

and then y ou ended it….”

“Because I thought that was what you wanted. You were the one

who kept insisting y ou weren’t gay. I thought this was j ust a bit of fun for

y ou.”

“I’m not gay. Or I wasn’t till the first tim e I kissed y ou. That was

when every thing changed.” Mac’s hand tightened on the back of Jez’s

neck. “Before that it was j ust a bit of fun. But after that night it was

fucking confusing because it was so m uch m ore than that. It is m ore than

that. So, can we try again?”

Jez drew back. He wished he could see Mac’s expression in the dark.

Mac sounded so hopeful, so sincere, and Jez’s heart filled and overflowed

as he sm iled into the darkness.

“Yes.” He closed the gap and found Mac’s lips. He kissed him lightly.

Their dry lips caught, and he tasted the faint sweetness of alcohol on

Mac’s breath. Mac’s hand on the back of Jez’s neck held him there, and he

deepened the kiss for a m om ent before pulling back.

“So this is it. We’re boy friends now?” Mac still sounded uncertain.

Jez pressed his palm against Mac’s chest and felt the answering thud

of his heart. “Yep. Boy friends who aren’t gay.” He chuckled.

Mac was quiet for a m om ent. “We’re going to tell people now, y eah?

And they ’ll all assum e we’re gay.”

Jez shrugged. “Let them think what they like. Gay, bi, gay for each

other, I don’t care. Fuck labels. I’m into y ou and y ou’re into m e, and that’s

what m atters.”

Mac wrapped his arm s m ore tightly around Jez and kissed his cheek.

“Yeah. That’s all I care about too.”

Chapter Fifteen

On the last Friday of term , they threw an early Christm as party in

their house before they all went their separate way s for the holiday s. The

party was on Friday night, and Jez and Mac were both heading hom e for

Christm as on Sunday. Jez was dreading the im pending separation but

try ing not to show it. They ’d only be apart for a couple of weeks, and

they could talk or Sky pe every day. He suspected Mac was feeling the

sam e, though, because he’d been like a lim pet in bed for the past few

nights. Jez had got used to waking up with Mac plastered to his back every

night this week. He’d m iss it over the holiday s.

The house was packed, the lights low, there were bits of tinsel draped

around the place, and loud m usic filled the living room . Jez snuggled

closer to Mac on the sofa and plucked the bottle of beer out of his hand.

Jez had finished his bottle and couldn’t be arsed to fight his way through

the crowds to get another one. Mac turned and sm iled, putting his hand on

Jez’s thigh in a possessive gesture that sent a little thrill through Jez. Being

affectionate in front of other people was still a novelty. Jez didn’t think

he’d ever get tired of it.

Telling their friends about their relationship hadn’t been as difficult as

Jez was expecting. Word had spread fast, but it was better that way as it

m eant they had less people to tell them selves. Mostly, people had been

pretty cool with it and seem ed happy for them .

Shawn was still uncom fortable around them , but to his credit, he was

try ing now. When they ’d told him they were an item , the first thing he

said was “So it wasn’t a one-off, then?”

Jez had fessed up to the lie, adm itting it had been going on a while.

Shawn snapped that he didn’t need the gory details and proceeded to

avoid them both for a few day s. But gradually he’d chilled out and started

behaving m ore norm ally again. There was still som e residual tension on

both sides, but Jez figured they ’d get past it eventually. And if they didn’t,

then Shawn wasn’t a friend worth keeping.

Jez had decided to tell his parents the day after he and Mac got it

together properly. He was the sort of person who preferred to get difficult

