Highland Hearts – A Cree & Dawn Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Erotic, Historical Fiction, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 42873 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 214(@200wpm)___ 171(@250wpm)___ 143(@300wpm)

Tate clutched his shaking hands tightly together. “What will you do, my lord? William has little time left.”

“Worry not. William will be home soon,” Cree assured him. “Now go have that drink and wait for his return.”

Tate nodded and walked off.

Dawn waited until she reached her husband to gesture.

“Aye, I leave shortly,” he said, circling her waist with one arm to rest there. “I know your thoughts and can hear your words, wife. This will be over quick and with little harm done.”

Dawn tapped his chest, then hers.

“Aye, wife, I will come home safe to you. I would have it no other way.”

Cree thought about his parting words with Dawn as he rode toward what he expected to be a brief battle if a battle at all. He was confident of victory, having had sent several warriors since the beginning of this farce abduction to scout beyond the area of where William and the others were being held. Having found no signs of more troops, he assumed whoever seemed to be directing Cavell thought the mission an easy one. It also signaled to Cree that they were not interested in bloodshed. So, what was their true interest? And how had Cavell gotten caught up in it?

Regardless of how things appeared Cree made sure his warriors remained on alert. He would not be caught unaware. It was why Sloan remained behind. To make certain all was protected there since Cree had yet to determine how many different factors he was dealing with in this debacle.

Gerald rode up beside him. “All is ready, my lord.”

Cree nodded. “Good, then let’s see this finally done.”

Dawn froze hearing the horn sound from the top of the castle. It was an alert that an unknown troop approached. She helped Nell, Henry’s wife, who cared for Valan, Lizbeth, and Tynan, along with her own son, gather the children and hurry them into the keep. She ordered Beast to remain with them, knowing he would let no one harm the children.

“Do we know who approaches yet?” her da asked her when she entered the Great Hall, his sword strapped to his side.

She shook her head and pointed to the door and was glad for the feel of the dagger tucked in a sheath in her boot as they hurried out the door.

Sloan met her at the bottom of the steps. “A sizeable troop approaches, but no distinguishable banners can be seen. I have ordered all children into the shelter of the two keeps. The villagers are prepared with weapons ready to fight if necessary.

Her da spoke her words as they flowed from her gestures. “We go and meet the troop before they reach the village.”

“You need not come, and Cree would not want you to. I will go meet them,” Sloan said.

“You will not be able to stop her,” Kirk said before Dawn could gesture, though she did confirm her da’s words with a firm nod.

Sloan looked ready to argue when Dawn gestured.

“My daughter is right,” Kirk said when she finished. “Whoever approaches needs to see that, when necessary, Cree’s wife is just as formidable as he is.

“I agree,” Sloan said, surprisingly. “But I do not think this will set well with Cree.”

“There is time to worry about that later,” Kirk said, and Dawn nodded in agreement.

Dawn was pleased to see villagers prepared to fight as she walked through the village, swords strapped to their sides and other weapons resting against cottages ready for swift use. She also saw the pride on their faces that she had the courage to face whoever approached.

Dawn gestured to Sloan as they walked and her da was quick to again speak her silent words. “This troop was nowhere near where Cree went?”

“Not from what the sentinels could see from the battlements,” Sloan said. “But what was seen was that the troop rides with purpose toward Clan Carrick.”

“I doubt I need to ask this, but the warriors are ready for battle, aren’t they?” Kirk asked.

Dawn nodded as Sloan responded. “They are always ready.”

“Of course,” Kirk said with a nod. “Cree would never leave his family and clan unprotected.”

“All here would fight to the death to protect their home.”

Dawn nodded in agreement with Sloan.

Dawn paid no heed to the few strands of hair that had broken free from her braid and whipped across her face as she knotted the ends of her wool shawl at her waist and drew her shoulders back and raised her chin high ready to face whoever approached just as her husband would.

“You do your clan proud, daughter,” her da whispered beside her, and Dawn smiled.

Cree waited a distance from the campsite where William and his men were being held. He was impatient to see this done and find out the truth but was concerned that the truth might present more problems. There seemed to be far too many people involved in the situation and that could prove dangerous.

