Make Me Hate You Read online Kandi Steiner

Categories Genre: Angst, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 84322 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 422(@200wpm)___ 337(@250wpm)___ 281(@300wpm)

Instead, I held the note to my chest, closing my eyes and breathing in a promise to Jacob and to myself that I would get myself back on track.

I’d slipped. I’d made a mistake. I’d gone prying into a past possibility that would never, ever be, and I had to find a way to let it go.

To let Tyler go.

When my eyes fluttered open, I spotted a figure down the beach, a white t-shirt and mess of brown hair fading in the distance.

And I knew without a second thought that this would be the hardest thing I would ever do.

Later that night, or early the next morning — I couldn’t be sure which — I woke from a dream so vivid it felt more real than the bed I woke up in.

It took a moment for me to adjust to the unfamiliar surroundings of the beach house, to the sound of the waves washing over the shore outside, the soft hum of the fan above me, the scent of the salt and sand.

My heart was racing, sweat covering me in a thin film as I kicked the covers off of me and let out a groan, covering my face with both hands.

In my dream, Tyler had snuck into my room, into my bed, and I’d woken with his hand inside my panties.

The dream that had felt so real was blurred now, cementing the fact that that was all it was — a dream. But when I’d first woke, I’d almost expected for him to still be there beside me, his fingers still wet from my climax, lips still sinking into my neck with soft, pressing kisses.

I shook my head, dragging my hands down over my face until they flopped onto the mattress at my sides. I needed to go back to sleep. It’d be a long day tomorrow, and I needed rest.

But the ache between my legs was so strong and insistent that I writhed against it, biting my lip and trying not to think about the fact that Tyler was right next door.

His bed could be against the same wall as mine was, our headboards separated by only a thin layer of drywall.

He could be sleeping just a few feet away from me right now, curled onto one side, softly snoring, dreaming.

Or maybe he was awake, too… his hands in his boxers, back arching off the bed as he moaned, touching himself to the thought of me.


I shook my head, mentally slapping myself. If I needed to rub one out to go back to bed, it would be to the thoughts of my handsome, amazing, perfect boyfriend who I’d spent the evening with on video chat.

I closed my eyes, picturing his face — his deep green eyes that had stolen my breath away the first time we met, his bulging biceps and sculpted abs, the way he seductively bit his lip before pulling me into him…

I rolled onto my stomach, tucking a pillow between my leg with the movement, and even the softest brush of the fabric against my clit had me sucking in a breath and stifling a moan.

It wouldn’t take me long.

My hips flexed, knees spreading wide over the mattress as I closed my eyes and succumbed to the sensation rushing through me like a flood. I was suspended somewhere between being asleep and being awake, my body moving in dreamlike waves and rolls, soft fleets of breath leaving my lips with every pulse of my racing heart.

I knew exactly how to move, how to rub my clit against the firm edge of the pillow just right. The orgasm was already building before even a full minute had passed, and I picked up the pace, desperate to reach my climax.

Tingles shot like sparks in my chest, firing through my nervous system to every part of my body. Just a few more flexes and I knew I’d come.

And as soon as the recognition hit me, my dream assaulted me like a whip, cracking against my back, my inner thighs, my heavy and swollen breasts. The pillow between my legs was suddenly Tyler, and a soft moan broke through me at the vividness of it, at how I could imagine his hands on me, his body under mine, his eyes staring up at me as I rode his thick and throbbing cock.

That was what undid me.

My orgasm burst through me like an explosion of powder and flame, filling my chest with black smoke as I cried out and rode it as long as I could. My hips flexed, glutes aching with how much I leaned into the feeling, and I couldn’t be quiet. I moaned and gasped and screamed as quietly as I could, knowing it wasn’t quiet at all, and all with the vision of Tyler beneath me and inside me and surrounding me in every possible way.

