Owners & Dolls Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, Insta-Love, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 77887 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 389(@200wpm)___ 312(@250wpm)___ 260(@300wpm)

“What kind of rules do you think your Owner would have for you?” Ignoring how I called myself Owner, I trailed my fingers around his face and ignored how he was manipulating me.

He scrunched up his face so cutely I knew it was fake…but it was very sweet…and he was putting a lot of effort into getting what he wanted.

Which was?

“Well, I think Owners want to dress their dolls up on a very regular basis and…play with them?” He lifted one shoulder and cocked his head, finally looking genuinely confused as the artifice faded for a moment. “You seem to feel…is guilty the right word?”

My pretty doll was more than just a pretty face.

“Let’s call it cautious.” I shrugged when he raised one eyebrow, silently calling me out. Tapping his nose with my finger, I frowned. “No calling Owner a liar even if it’s with a look.”

He giggled, not agreeing with me in the slightest.

I used to be much more intimidating, but it’d obviously faded somewhere along the way.

“Yes, Owner.” He smiled like I was a kid who’d just told him the moon was made of cheese and he didn’t want to burst my bubble yet. “But there’s no need to be cautious of me…especially since I don’t know what you want and all I can do is guess.”

He gave me a bright smile like he thought that would be reassuring.

It was not.

Refusing to wonder about what kind of internet rabbit hole he might’ve fallen into, I pinched his lips and wiggled his head to get rid of the manipulative smile as I fought the urge to laugh. “Naughty doll.”

That just got a giggle and I found myself leaning over to kiss him softly as I moved my hand to stroke his head. “Yes, I will work on my list of rules and expectations too, but you have to promise me that you’ll use your safewords when necessary and that you’ll tell me if something makes you uncomfortable.”

He nodded slowly before shrugging and looking down the line of his body. His gaze stopped on the sexy bulge that was straining against the panties. “I’m pretty straightforward. If it’s happy, I’m happy. If it’s not, you ask questions.”

He was…

“Eli figured that out very quickly and you’re much smarter than him and you don’t want to make me crazy.” He sat up, climbing on my lap and straddling my thighs before I could process what he’d said. “It’ll be fine.”

Giving me a smacky kiss, he rocked forward and rubbed his hard cock against mine. “I took very good care of you, Owner.”

That seemed to indicate he wanted a reward, but I wasn’t sure what form that should take.

“You did.” Wrapping my arms around him, I palmed his perfect ass and rocked him back and forth, letting the pleasure build between us. “You tucked me in and got me a blanket. You even made coffee this morning and snuggled me first thing.”

He gave a cute little excited wiggle. “And I cleaned up the kitchen, and plugged in your phone, and didn’t even send any more sexy pictures to Eli, even though he wanted to see more of me in my tiara. I thought that should be your job.”


“Yes, I think one of the rules we’ll make is about sexy pictures outside of work.” I wasn’t going to be an asshole, just a little bit controlling.

Emerson melted into me. “You want to be the one to take all my sexy pictures, don’t you? I’ll have to be a good doll because I just belong to you.”

I was fairly certain he was supposed to have told me that he was an adult and could make his own decisions…or at least told me it was too early for that rule.

Fuck it.

“Yes, pretty one. I want you to belong to me, but we’re going to take this one step at a time.” So he wasn’t rushed and would be able to think everything through and process how he felt. “I don’t want to overwhelm you.”

I wasn’t sure that was the right word, but the scrunched-up face that Emerson gave me again said he was starting to question his Owners logic…or brain cells before caffeine.

“Don’t worry, Owner.” His sweet smile was back and he reached up to pat my cheek. “We’re going to make rules that work for both of us.”

I was being manipulated again.

“That’s right.” I’d stand my ground later. “But we’ll figure all this out later, for now, I have to show my sweet doll thank you for being so helpful.”

And patient, since I did fall asleep on our date.

“You’re welcome, Owner.” As he rocked forward, he gave me a soft kiss. “I liked taking care of you.”

That was genuine.

I was starting to see the sweet sub who peeked out between the teasing and the flirty innocence, and it seemed to have a dash of caretaker and a heaping spoonful of lifestyle sub.

