Owners & Dolls Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, Insta-Love, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 77887 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 389(@200wpm)___ 312(@250wpm)___ 260(@300wpm)

Mika blinked, glancing back and forth between the costumes in the room and Owner. “That’s probably a good idea.”

And it would give me a chance to get to know him more and to show Owner how cute my ass looked in this suit.

CEO Barbie had nothing on me.

“That sounds lovely.” Looking up at Owner, I tried to guess if he’d gotten lunch like he said he would. “Do you have a staff room or lounge here or should we go to your place so we can grab a snack while we talk?”

Owner’s eyes perked up and he kissed my head as he smiled. Yep, he’d gotten distracted somehow. “That’s a good idea.”

Owner turned back to Mika, his smile shifting to be more professional and less proud Owner. “Why don’t you grab your notes and we’ll plan this first session out?”

Mika looked like chatting over tea would be almost painful, but I was just glad he nodded and his shoulders relaxed a bit. “Alright. I wanted to see what you thought about including the Sleeping Beauty one. I know you said you might change it, but…”

Owner’s wince had Mika chuckling and finally looking lively or real or something.

Maybe I’d like him after all?


Tea didn’t help.

Sitting around Owner’s kitchen table with their notes laid out made visualizing what they wanted easier, so I was grateful for that, but Mika was still…unique. Some of it faded as he talked to me more and relaxed around me, but I wasn’t sure what it was.

I’d never met a photographer who wasn’t at least a bit crazy…this boring kind of unique was interesting.

And I was starting to think it was the reason he hadn’t worked at L and L.

The area wasn’t big enough for a ton of photographers who didn’t at least do the occasional shoot with Leashes & Lace, but something about Mika’s expression as he mumbled something about Owner being dramatic jogged a memory.

“You’re the photographer who said he couldn’t work with all the teenage hormones just running amuck.” Realizing I’d interrupted something completely randomly, I shrugged. “Sorry. I got distracted for a moment.”

Owner’s lips twitched, but Mika sighed, nodding. “Yes, that would be me. Please don’t take that as a personal attack, though. I don’t remember seeing you there when I had my interview.”

No, thankfully, that’d been just before my time.

I’d heard good stories about it, though, so I was kind of frustrated I’d missed the insanity.

“Do you still want to kill Eli?” We knew each other well enough to ask that, right? “We’re taking bets, but Preston just sighs when we ask if he knows.”

Mika blinked and stared at me, so I thought he needed more information.

“I’ve got fifty on you still wanting to kill him because people don’t usually change their minds about Eli.” I didn’t need the money, but it would be fun to win. “Oh, and there’s a hundred for anyone who can figure out why it went so bad to begin with.”

That might’ve been pushing it, but Mika’s frown seemed more aimed at the memory than me, so I wasn’t that worried.

“He’s insane.” Mika’s abbreviated response said I’d won, but I was left wondering how to get my money.

It wasn’t a direct admission of homicidal thoughts, after all.

“He is.” But since I wasn’t sure why that mattered, I shrugged and took a sip of my tea as I did my best to avoid looking at the cookies I’d set out for Owner to nibble on. “I’m not sure working here is much saner, though.”

Barely cracking a smile, he nodded. “You met Angelique?”

Even the name sounded snotty.

“The harpy?” Owner’s groan made me pat his hand in apology. “Yes, I did.”

It wasn’t very professional, but I’d make it up to him later.

Chuckling, Mika nodded. “Yep. We’re not as boring as it looks, but at least I don’t have to photograph her.”

Good point.

“I promise to be well behaved and to not make you uncomfortable.” How was I supposed to do that, though? “Mr. Luca and I will be very professional.”

Owner groaned, so I gave him a very cute frown. “Not that kind of professional. I’m wearing pants.”

Mika cocked his head, looking confused, but I just smiled and ignored it since he hadn’t actually asked a question. He seemed to be too polite to question what we were talking about and quickly moved on. “Alright, yes, we’ll all be professional.”

Then he went back to looking at the plans.

Did that mean he wasn’t going to talk about why Eli called him that photographer in a scathing tone?

It was slightly disappointing but he managed to finish the entire photo shoot without giving me any hints. He was just very…professional. It was honestly kind of boring, but he was nice, and once he relaxed, he was pleasant to be around.

It was just hard work when I wasn’t hard.

